Pictures of the girls on our chair train. Something I used to do as a child all the time. Whenever my mom would pull out all the chairs to clean we would line them up and choo choo choooooo. The pics are pretty funny. Maeve has great posture in one of them! Madigan just keeps on looking like Jason! Michael is really starting to question paternity!
Short post today because blogger has already eaten one... damn them and their lack of autosave! We are all good here. Seems like we might be on the mend from this killer cold. School was good. Madigan/Mommy time was great. Daddy got home and the girls are jumping on him. Ha ha.. Madigan is big on jumping. She plays with all her toys while saying, "jump jump jump". Tis very cute I tell ya! We are having a low key evening and I must go check my roasting chicken in the oven!
Today's eagle eye competition was won by a Miss Cookie Doucette. She very cleverly spotted the baking I was obviously bragging about in yesterday's post. Your 'prize' is in the mail! Hahha no its not! Good luck with first post today bitches!
I win.
XoXo Barb.
woo hoo first (frist for erin) again!!
Do you remember playing trains in our house Vashti. What a neat treat to see your babies doing what you used to do! I love it.
Have alovely day. I tried to call this am but the phone was acting up here.(vonage) will try again tomorrow.
Love to all of you
does that mean you xoxo barb, Michael? Jason, guard your woman. What Michael wants, Michael gets!
Choooooo chooooooo!
That one is from Mhari.
I won, i won! I wish my prize was that damn home-made bread! Actually, bread is my figure's downfall, so it is probably for the best that I don't sample any. I am onto you Mitzi Mussellam! First the "accidental" rear booty showcase photo "oops" and now the bread. I 'm sure there have been others that I've missed. I am watching you!
Cute photos of the girls (of course I am in awe of Maeve's purple outfit....)Who is Jason? Can you post a photo so those of us that don't know him can see who Madigan looks like?
Baby you can drice my car. YOur Kids are adorable. I love it when I Watch our kids play. They are so creative it absolutely blows me away. Funny, how they do it without any help from us big grownup people who forget it is fun to move furniture around and play. Have a great day. Deb
Damn I missed first post again. I gotta start ignoring that kid more and hover around the computer till you post !!!!!! hahahaha. God Maeve's hair is long !!! THe girls look so adorable. Hows the combo naps goin? Fantastic i'm sure.
Loves to you all
Lisa if you go to Grammaluvvy's blog, and go waaaaaay back there is a picture of the notorious jason compared to a picture of Madigan and you will see what we speak of. Keep up those keen observations for us please as we are all quite slow and miss them.
I check your blogs and your boys are getting cuter and cuter (and so are you)
and for god's sake don't speak of spotted dick on line....snicker smirk!
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