January 25 was a pretty big day for a boy we know! His name is Milo and he is fantastic. Milo, his little brother Theo and his Mommy Ange read our blog every day.. or so they claim!!!! Soooo today in honour of Milo's 4th birthday, he gets to see himself! The Kwan D'eons are some great people who we miss dearly. They live in a fantastic loft downtown vancouver. They have the seawall, the beach ALL of vancouver's fantastic play places science world, the aquarium, stanley park etc... I am very jealous of them! I wish we were in vancouver so we could come to Milo's birthday part at the planetarium. Milo always has great parties! Last year we went to his party at Granville Island kids place. It was fantastic and Maeve got to paint herself a little ceramic airplane. Casey and Ange, you have fantastic kids and we miss them and you very much! We are lucky enough to be in the loop for the Kwan boys info circuit and that is where I ripped off this pic! So, happy birthday Milo, hope your birthday extravaganza is fantastico!
You said it!
Wish we could all be there together to hang with Milo on his big day!
awhh.. thanks guys.. Milo, being your typical egomanical 4 year old.. loved seeing himself on the screen.
we miss you too!
Ange & the boys in Vancouver (at least for now..!)
i figured he'd get a kick out of seeing himself where he normally sees two b undles of pink! yay milo! wish we were there for sunday! you guys still going to be around in june?
Ok I do not know why this won't let me post my comment, I have tried a google account and may be doing it wrong. Hopefully this will post but my last three comments were witty and wise and I have no energy left to do anything but try to get on!
love ya
I know that Maeve who have loved to be there in the celebrations. And Madigan of course would be wondering around in her glory too !!
happy birthday milo !!!! You look like you got a lot of stuff !!!
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