Hello to you all! Today was GORGEOUS! Frickin' cold but GORGEOUS! Madigan and I dropped Maeve off at school and then headed off for second breakfast. Where you all ask? McDonalds of course, altho they do call it Mac Donalds here! Mommy needed a cheap coffee and Madigan had some "awesome" pancakes! Madigan had the entire restaurant in stitches. Everyone was oohing and ahhing over her! She is so funny! She was waving and yelling goodbye to anyone who walked past. They may or may not have been leaving, but they got a goodbye anyway! After the much needed coffee and pancakes we strolled down the parade. The parade is the "high street" which is the strip of shops in good ole L Spa. It was too cold to play in the early hours of the am so I let the beast loose on the royal priors (mall). Madigan had a blast ... and then as pictured a nice little temper tantrum... then had another blast. Some old guy was nearly beside himself trying to catch her attention so he and his wife could chat with her. I think Madigan had alot of fun being able to wander wherever she liked today!
We picked Maeve up from school and headed over to the veggie table. Veggie enchiladas all around. It was ok.. so not as good as the mexican in Cali tho! FAAAAR from! After lunching with pals we went to Mill Gardens to play. On our way over Maeve found an icy puddle on which she could skate! Too funny and too cute. Madigan seemed to have decided it was much to cold for her because after 2 mins in the sandbox she decided to scream! Maeve had fun riding that weird dog toy. A blast was had... NO co napping today.. booo and Madigan only napped for like a half hour.. double boo... oh well, early bed time to beat these bloody colds!
Oh and on a side note, can you say "LOOKS LIKE JASON MUCH?"
Wooooooohoooo first post....yah, you like that, slap slap slap. OK now we get down to business, Wow how cold is it there, sounds like the total opposite, we are running from shade to shade to keep the flesh from sizzling...(i smell like bacon) I am not surprised maddigan is the belle of the mall, look at her, fricking adorable on wheels, and maeve i think your pretty cute too even though your a nerd for school. Although i remember my preschool and kindergarten days fondly, plus you have to get there early so you can score the flintstone phone.
Wow Vashti your girls are adorable. Madigan is getting so big and cuter and cuter all the time. I actually started getting really super homesick again when i was looking at your photos this morning. I wish I could be there to see them in person. They are growing up sooo fast and I'm missing everything :( Guess I'll just have to have my own babies to watch grow up ;)
jesus, I think she holds the clone torch, as Saige ages, she looks less like a brodie clone in pink, but madigoob just keeps turning more and more into him.
If she likes golf and country 'music' then its time to sell her to the circus.
Ummm not to be rude to my darling wife, but we are talking about babies not sea monkeys oh she who gets tired of things fast and easily(remember when we used to have sex?), Although I am sure a grandma war over some chinese babies would be fun to watch, Let the spoiling begin!
You sound sooo happy and cheerful and enthusiastic these days. I am so glad that you are feeling comfortable in your new home. Making friends and Maeve starting preschool seems to have made all the difference. The girls sound like they are having fun too. I know you've had your ups and downs in L-Spa and I'm glad you are on an upnote. May it last. I miss you and will try to call you this weekend.
OMG, Double cutness.
Love it.
Oh yeah, I forgot that we had to have sex to make babies... forget about it then, no babies for you :p
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