So here we are halfway through the week! Maeve seems to be getting on really well at school. She comes home with pages and pages of art! She is also very fond of gluing, here they call it sticking though!! So, lets see. Every day Madigan and I head to Jephson Gardens to feed the pigeons, swans and Canadian Geese. Yes, she has been bitten before but she is so brave and wonderful! After the feeding frenzy we head up the parade. Sometimes we window shop, today I let her loose in the priors (mall) She went in every shop, listened to see what music they were playing.. if she liked it she stayed and danced. if she didn't like it she headed out. It was priceless!
So our friend Fil spent xmas in Mexico. Now let me explain about Fil. Fil is a single dude, lives by himself, isn't a spring chicken but is far from old. Fil and Michael like to have game nights. he is not fond of RISK but is fond of The history of the world. Anyhoo, I digress. Fil was away from dec 16 until jan 1. while he was away in mexico, he picked up a present for the girls. They are featured in today's photos but not the video! Fil also got the girls a poncho which may just be great for us baby backpackers! Give them a little rain coverage while they get carried into the wild er ness! It was so nice that Fil thought of the girls, let alone brough them back a very special gift. So, thank you Fil you are very kind and we are lucky to have you!
Boy it has been forever since I got this title !!!
mmmuuuuaaaahhhhh !!!
P.S -- I will post again after I read......heee heeee heee !!!
Those are some nice outfits that Fil picked up for the girls. Very Mexican and pretty. What a thoughtful guy.
I would love some of that Art work that miss Maeve is doing so much of.....maybe one day.
Miss you guys TONS !!!
Erin is a spaz.
What pretty outfits!!
Come home soon
I love the video of the fearless Madigan! I sure wish that you and I and Madigan & Liam could all hang out together feeding pidgeons, going to the priors & drinking cheap espresso, while Maeve & Ronan went to preschool. We miss you guys so much.
The Mexican overall outfits look sooooo cute on the Mussellam girls.
We wish we were there !!!!! It would be sooo nice to visit right now, were you don't have to have a million zillion layers on and you can spend more than 5mins outside. Without a touque at that !!! Sounds like you guys have a lovely routine going on. We misses you and loves you all very much. Yes Even Uncle michael !!!hahaha. Especially Uncle Michael. Madigan looks like such a big girl, in only a month and a bit her hair seems to have grown tremendously. ahahaha. Maeve you are our little picassa.
Love you Jakers, Auntie, and Uncle
Aw, I love the pigeon feeding, and those rockin' overalls. Nice work, lovelies.
cute cute cute...
nice work senior~ Fil.. did you bring back any tequila??.. that could turn the games night into a FIESTA!!!
ok Mussellams, did you survive the terrible storm ok? pretty scary video here of a plane at manchester, and a school collapse...hope you have power and all is well...
does bad weather follow you guys??
luv Jac
Hey you are playing danica's game erin....just first post should include information that you have read BEFORE being first post ya know
gl and pa
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