I'm not sure if this video has any sound but you are lucky if it doesn't! We are all great. Believe it or not I actually LIKE living here these days! Our day starts out at 7am believe THAT or not!! Michael helps with the girls while I grab a quick shower. then, its breaky, getting dressed and hair and makeup! Ok, no makeup but definately hair! I know almost all kids that go to school get head lice and if there is anything I can do to avoid it I'm going to! Soooo.. we roll outta here at 8:25 for the 8:30 bus then we hit Maeve's school for 8:55! Dropping Maeve off is a dream. She runs right it and starts doing any of the thousand things the teachers have set up! First Maeve has to find her name in a row of names, then put it up on the board under how old she is. She is good at it but there are like four other names that begin with Ma !! So, its kiss kiss get out Mommy, I need you no more! Ok, well that is what I think she is thinking. I can't very well talk for her or even begin to know what is going on in that big beautiful head of hers! So now it is 9am and Madigan and I are on our own. It costs a pound each way on the bus so we stay in LSpa since we have to be back in 2 hours 45mins anyway. Well the joy of L Spa @ 9am is fab. NOTHING is open! Not the library nothing. So, we generally kick it at a restaurant and enjoy a 69pence capuccino! The ones at starbux is 2.79!! I wander over to the priors (Mall) and nurse Madigan, get her off to snoozy land and enjoy 45 mins of peace! We pick Maeve up at 11:45 and have lunch at the "Veggie Table" which is the cafe at bath place center. www.bathplace.org Basically, we pay 1.20 for lunch and 50p for a kids lunch. After lunch we head home and play and then nap! Well, they nap not me! Ok, they have napped at the same time twice. I'm not going to get my hopes up but if it continues! yay for me!! Here are some snaps of today! Maeve ever the ballerina and Maeve who is "famoose"! Thanks to auntie sara for Madigan's cute onesie!
sorry for the crappy video, that was my camera phone. Note to self, cam videos suck! continue first post apres moi
yeah FIRST POOST !!!!!!
ah sounds like you guys are really likin the school !! Keep up the great job Maeve, you big girl you !!!! ah those cap's were good at the prior !!hmmmm I need coffee this morning. hahaha Loves and hugs
Wow, sounds like a fun morning routine.
It's barely warm enough here to leave the house without ending up sliding down the road. BRRRRRRR.
How cute are your two girlies? They make my heart melt. Mhari always has to check in to see her "babies" in England.
Girl - you sound like you have it together!. (or is it the illusion of blog-land? ha ha)Great to hear about your typical day. Miss you guys.
Love Ange & the boys.. (aka anonymous.. since I am just too bloody lazy to get a blogger account.. it is on my new year to do list.. honest..)
hooray for you vashti! i am happy for maeve and madigan, but almost happier for you because i know how wonderful and essential it is to have a moment of time alone. your new routine sounds good-you are out of the house and maeve is learning stuff and you and madigan are enjoying each other and all that the closed-down l-spa has to offer.
so happy maeve is loving school, but not surprised, she is a go-getter!
Hey Vashdashtily, Wow madigan is getting way too big, and whats the thing she is stepping on that says, DIE DIE DIE DIE, and why does micheal sound like such a pole polisher?
Anyhow hope you are doing well,
Vashti you are even starting to write like a brit. Starbux? I Know that some from England Especially Some parts of london spell in COCKNEY and that it is spelt PHONETICALLY. Your days sound so much more fun than ours. Working sucks. Oh if we could just not work and be indepentently wealth> Keep up the great work Love Deb
hahah i probably write british because everyone here texts and it is easier to text starbux than starbucks! hahaha everyone shaves a letter or two off every word! lazy buggers! The routine is a bugger that early in the morning but we seem to be getting the hang of it! If I don't get most of the stuff ready the night before its rushed and I get cranky! The girls seem to be doing ok with it tho.. easy going little buggers! They must get that from those damned Mussellams!
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