Hello everyone. Still wondering where my mother is. wonder if she is even going to come back from Mexico. I can't say that I would!! We are all well and good. It is still really cold but also sunny and blue skies of gorgeousness! Michael has been coming home before 6 so that has been GREAT! Yesterday Madigan opened a picture album and kissed Michael's picture. It was so sweet. I'm glad he isnt working 11 hours overtime like he did last week. Its nice to have him around here. So.. todays pics are Maeve in the gazebo @ Mill gardens....Maeve and Madigan wait for the bus. In England you actually have to flag down your bus, EVEN if you take that same bus everyday and are standing directly under the sign. If you do not flag down the bus, it may or may not stop for you! Bizarre but fun, everday Maeve stands with her hand out to signal to our bus driver lady (in the am) and our bus driver dood (after school). It is tres cute and she even knows which one we take. it is the 67 for the record!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Hello everyone. Still wondering where my mother is. wonder if she is even going to come back from Mexico. I can't say that I would!! We are all well and good. It is still really cold but also sunny and blue skies of gorgeousness! Michael has been coming home before 6 so that has been GREAT! Yesterday Madigan opened a picture album and kissed Michael's picture. It was so sweet. I'm glad he isnt working 11 hours overtime like he did last week. Its nice to have him around here. So.. todays pics are Maeve in the gazebo @ Mill gardens....Maeve and Madigan wait for the bus. In England you actually have to flag down your bus, EVEN if you take that same bus everyday and are standing directly under the sign. If you do not flag down the bus, it may or may not stop for you! Bizarre but fun, everday Maeve stands with her hand out to signal to our bus driver lady (in the am) and our bus driver dood (after school). It is tres cute and she even knows which one we take. it is the 67 for the record!
ohhhewwww! first post in ages! What a smart little city girl you have Vashti, I remember taking the bus in Vancouver with your supervision! NOTTHATBUS! bellowwed from down the road, haha fond memories!
Glad to hear Michael is still kicking!
Where in the world is Evie/nonie/gummalovey? inquiring minds want to know!
luv Jac
Mom is in Vancouver now, she got into canada at 12am last night, we're expecting them, burned and hungover some time today
Way to go Maeve!
well she is part Mussellam so that means she's smart hahahahah kidding finnerty's!!!!!
Is madigan playing peekaboo !!!
Peekaboo Madigoober!!!!!!
Hello princess maeve !!! Hugs and kisses to you all.
Vashti, what smart kids you have. They are so well trained. I can't even get my kids to wipe thier own butts. Let alone hail a bus. Looks like you are doing great. Lvoe Deb
Woot fifth post, The bus system is the same deal here vashti, gotta hail em, But seriously it makes more sense to hail them, as how mad must it make the bus driver that some dude is using the bus shelter as his own personal nightclub and have the bus stop and nobody gets on or off, sigh that would make me grumpy if i was a bus driver, And your child is getting freakishly clever, in fact i have seen micheal exhibit the same behavior of opening a photo album and kiss his pictures. Sigh, I hope mom and pa did remember to bring sunscreen, the burns they brought back last time were pretty stupid looking....but hey they are the perfect tourists, they even wear the brimmed hats and the flowered shirt and GRRR The socks with sandals!!
Unca Tig, I am amazed at your perceptiveness re the bus situation! who would have thunk? but FYI, no female was burned on the Punta Burno trip, as we are clever enough to not fry in the intense equatorial sun...unlike every male person with us! Sounds like ma n pa had a great time, they are turning into little world trotters these days...good for them!!
luv to all, I think I am going to take over Charli's blog site as Chay is too busy these days, so don't give up!
luv ya all, Hi Maeve! Hi Madigan!
They just get smarter and cuter by the min. YOU GO MAEVEY and get that bus, I could just imagine her cute self flaggin it down. Sooooo cute.
Does that little one ever look like her Uncle Jason....its crazy really!!
Loves guys
Ruggs and Siobhan
P.S. Hey Mr. Mussellam keep up the good work but don't kill yourself we wanna see more of you too!!
Happy Australia Day!!
Oh I already posted. I thought I missed this one, but I guess I am the last one to catch it :(
Super cuteness alert!!!
maeve looks so grown-up and so adorable and beautiful. she sure is growing up fast. when i look at how big she is, i wonder if my ronan is that big too....? hard to believe.
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