Ok, although not very exciting I've finally switched over to the new improved Blogger. I'm feeling crappy today so I don't have any wonderful words to dazzle you with! Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Things are rather sluggish going into the LONGEST month of the year. I don't know who it is that stretches January out but when I find him.. I'll throttle him!! hahaha! We are on the countdown for Maeve to start school. She really is hilarious! I have no prediction as to how it will all unfold. Could go either way. She could love it or hate it. Who knows! We are however, talking about it alot. Maeve has decided that if any naughty kids are naughty to her she is going to run. Now, we have never shown her Forrest Gump so we talk alot about what to say to other kids that are mean/naughty. Not sure where it all came from but I hope my girl stands her ground and refuses to be bullied. So, January 9th I may have to get her a new pair of running shoes! hahaha

]Random shot of MAdigan..

and a sweet sweet look at my ass! hahahahahahahhahaha the reason for the ass shot isn't really the ass at all. This is how the girls were today. CLingy, screamy (although you can't see or hear it), and in need of being carried ALL DAY! The good news is this must mean they love me! The bad news is, in a few years they are more than likely to tell me to piss off
Yeah first post!
um does that count when it comes from youuuuu !!!! You big jerks...hahahahah
no, that was officially the first post.. I wrote it and it was michael that commented...
don't be a player hater Sara!!
Wow Maeve is starting school already! I hope she has a great time there. I remember I used to love play school way back when, can't believe I have memories from that long ago when I can hardly remember yesterday now.
yes well michael has the upper hand by knowing when you are gonna post !!!!!
am i the only one who noticed how slender and fantastic vashti looks!?!? your london-suburb diet is working brilliantly! please give me your secret as i think that each pound you shed is catching a ferry over here to nz to sneak into my mid-section.
bowl fulla jelly
LOOK HOW SMALL YOUR CAN IS !! Screw you for tossing our ghetto booty comradery aside!
i am ninja he is ninja she is ninja too- i am ninja we are ninja, and i believe that you are ninja too.
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