So, here is what we did on friday. The girls and I went to church! the Parish Church at the bottom of the parade. We had a lovely lunch with, and served by the whitest of the white hairs and bluest of the blue hairs! Besides us there was no one in there u nder 80! We really brought down the average age in there! The wonderful thing was, it was a great inexpensive lunch and they had playthings for the girls. The ladies at the table next to us said the girls are just wonderful and so smart and well behaved! It is so nice when other people think they are marvellous! Other people that aren't related that is! hereare the girls on the toys, then infront of the gigantic church. Michael calls it the gothic church. it is huge and beautiful inside.
Saturday, today, we managed to get into town early enough to pick up some things at the farmers market. On this farmer's market I even picked up a little bit of knowledge that I shall pass unto you. Brussell sprouts look like this:
Pretty neat huh, who knew! We had a fantastic roast pork with applesauce and mustard.. YUM .. Michael liked the crackling part the best.. for those of you not in the know.. the crackling is charred fat.. mmmm yum yummy! We picked up some pork burgers and a brisket roast for sunday dinner! Not both for sunday of course! This is the first time in our life here that we've actually hit the market before they close down at 2!!! It is only once a month and we've never managed to attend! We got the girls some pinwheel biscuits (cookies) and a big ole cauliflower and went for coffee! We ran in to some folks from good old north america and chatted to them for a while before heading to the park.
Maeve got to wow us all with her awesome balance. Usually she needs to hold a hand as she walks along this fence. Today in her new gorgeous coat she did it by herself! She is wonderful! So is the coat! Chocolate brown with a super soft pink fleecey lining. How much you ask? Almost 40 pounds.. how much did I pay? 12!!!! What a bargain! I don't think we could have squeezed one more days worth of wearing out of her pink one. Sara bought it for Maeve 2 years ago!! It was fantastic and we love it and we used it to death! Now off into a box so Madigan can squeeze the life out of it too! Love you all oh and just for the record, this picture is what I actually look like... it is not a trick of the mirror. I am 5'8" and I weigh 120lbs!
Ok.. its the mirror in the gap where I got Maeve's jacket!!! hahaha also blogger is being a bitch and i can't upload the pics of the church the girls playing or the awesome jacket.. i'll try tomorrow!
woohoo first post and where do I get me one of them there mirrors? I know that is what I look like and unfortunately here in our country, all of the mirrors are fun house and show me as being rather undertall and overweight! I knew they were all wrong!
Looking forward to the pictures with the old ladies...(oh ya that would be me) BACK OFF YA BLUE HAIRS AND GETCHER OWN GRANDGIRLS!!!
I can take them on you know.
Love you and to Michael: only the most intelligent of peoples eat the crackle!
love ya
mamaev(crackle eater)gummahonienonieluvvy
Well you could have at least smiled !! If that was me I'd be smiling from ear to ear...hahaha !!
The thunder didn't clap and the clouds didn't open up and spew fireballs down upon you all as you entered into the Church ?!?!?! hahaha.....well at least you can say that you have been to church this year.....I can't !!!
Can't wait to see the other pics...
Luvs,hugs&kisses.....followed by a heaping side order of misses !!!
Dude! Where can I get one of those mirrors? I am still the same size, but all the extra pounds have relocated to the belly. Ew.
It sounds like you are doing well, and i agree that life is very good at times and very sucky other times no matter where you live. i often look out the window onto paradise and feel like such a bitch for complaining about crappy days. I have LOTS of those with my 3-year old. I wish we lived in close proximity so we could co-miserate and cheer each other up and go to that gothic church for lunch. sorry i didn't call you thi weekend as i planned, i was having a crappy weekend. it's going around. glad you are able to make the most of it and share your life with all of us, it makes my life easier when i hear that you are going through the same thing. thanks too for being the best, most consistent blogger ever!
I knew there was an alternate motive for the church going. FOOD !!!!! hahaah. That's hilarious I was just looking at the pic of Maeve and Madigan outside in the "Snow" and thought I need to get her another jacket !!! ahahah. I can't wait to see the new one. As for the mirrors isn't that a sight to see did you pry it off the wall and are now carrying it around with you. !!!! ahahahha
Holy fuck, I was wondering how you got so tall!
yes sara, it is very compact that mirror! i never leave home without it! I guess I could have smiled.. but let me tell you, smiles have been in short order around here!! I am smiling now tho! You guys all make me laugh! Thanks!
I second Lisa's emotion...and Jesus, church must make you skinny!
I'm super sad that days are sucking for you lately. I'm always far to obvious about things sucking in my world. I would have never guessed from your beautiful cheery posts that life was in a bit of a crapper.
I'd take you out and get you drunk on those giant Maya Pelenque margaritas if we were all still in Cali. Alas, I can only leave you thinking that Ken and I both are now on a world-wide hunt for that mirror.:)
Sounds like you still make the most of Crapass days :) Get thee to a spa and bask in your marvelosity!
Miss ya!
I am hoping there might have been 2 compact mirrors so you could maybe send one my way. I am 5 8' but the whole 120lbs......not so much!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better I know it has been going around. I just got my voice back and let me tell you there was one person I live with that was really happy that he could not hear me for 1 whole day. hahahah
Miss you all
luvs Ruggs and Siobhan
haha fortunately my life isn't in the crapper.. i've just had a couple of bad days! i guess that makes me normal! glad i have friends and fam like you all to support me through the craptastic days!
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