Just wanted the world to see my beauty.
After months of living a devil-may-care lifestyle in the backwoods of England, the Clan has moved onto the next leg of the wacky adventure and are transported back to the unruly urban melting pot of Vancouver, Canada. Let's move closer to see what Daddy Michael, Mommy Vashti, Big Sister Maeve and Little sister Madigan are up to now...
haha so he is trying to pass himself off on me again! haha the sweet bastard! I am very lucky to have him!
as me... as me..not on me! haha well, he does that too!
jeez i'm an idiot!
Oooooo Purdy, I see where maeve gets her destroyer of worlds look from, But seriously vash you look great, I would kill for your skin, Much like buffalo bill....She rubs the lotion on her skin or she gets the hose again!
You look great Vashti! You guys all look great over there. What's your secret?
Queen Vashti.
Yes Michael.....you should count your lucky stars that this woman whom is one of the most beautiful, kind hearted, stong and inteligent women that I know and love dearly....is still around when you get home at night. Lord knows you are certainly a lucky bastard !!!
You should worship the ground that she walks on.
(..cheques in the mail, right Vashit.....hee hee hee)
Awwww, Michael, you are so sweet and so very fortunate to have such a gorgeous wife. It is so nice to see Vashti on the blog, she is usually hiding, although I don't understand why. Here's hoping we get to see many more photos of her in the future, I sure miss her.
Vashti-you look sensational. I love the hair- the color, the braids, the coy, demure smile, you look hot!
I love this picture.
ojpvI was talking about the awesome castle ruins behind Vashti...
heh heh
That is a fantsastic picture of you Vashti. It is nice to see you on the blog.
You look great!!
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