*disclaimer**ok, so thursday and friday were a bit tough for me. I've been cranky, miserable and shitty to everyone. Not nice, I know. I've been slowly dying of cold over here and lack of sleep because Madigan and Maeve are suffering too. Michael has had to stay late at work a couple of times and I've been miserable. I'm feeling a bit better now and just wanted everyone to know that life here is like life everywhere. Sometimes it is great and sometimes it sucks ass. I'm working on trying to stop feeling sorry for myself. Total work in progress!
So, here is what we did on friday. The girls and I went to church! the Parish Church at the bottom of the parade. We had a lovely lunch with, and served by the whitest of the white hairs and bluest of the blue hairs! Besides us there was no one in there u nder 80! We really brought down the average age in there! The wonderful thing was, it was a great inexpensive lunch and they had playthings for the girls. The ladies at the table next to us said the girls are just wonderful and so smart and well behaved! It is so nice when other people think they are marvellous! Other people that aren't related that is! hereare the girls on the toys, then infront of the gigantic church. Michael calls it the gothic church. it is huge and beautiful inside.
Saturday, today, we managed to get into town early enough to pick up some things at the farmers market. On this farmer's market I even picked up a little bit of knowledge that I shall pass unto you. Brussell sprouts look like this:

Pretty neat huh, who knew! We had a fantastic roast pork with applesauce and mustard.. YUM .. Michael liked the crackling part the best.. for those of you not in the know.. the crackling is charred fat.. mmmm yum yummy! We picked up some pork burgers and a brisket roast for sunday dinner! Not both for sunday of course! This is the first time in our life here that we've actually hit the market before they close down at 2!!! It is only once a month and we've never managed to attend! We got the girls some pinwheel biscuits (cookies) and a big ole cauliflower and went for coffee! We ran in to some folks from good old north america and chatted to them for a while before heading to the park.
Maeve got to wow us all with her awesome balance. Usually she needs to hold a hand as she walks along this fence. Today in her new gorgeous coat she did it by herself! She is wonderful! So is the coat! Chocolate brown with a super soft pink fleecey lining. How much you ask? Almost 40 pounds.. how much did I pay? 12!!!! What a bargain! I don't think we could have squeezed one more days worth of wearing out of her pink one. Sara bought it for Maeve 2 years ago!! It was fantastic and we love it and we used it to death! Now off into a box so Madigan can squeeze the life out of it too! Love you all oh and just for the record, this picture is what I actually look like... it is not a trick of the mirror. I am 5'8" and I weigh 120lbs!

Ok.. its the mirror in the gap where I got Maeve's jacket!!! hahaha also blogger is being a bitch and i can't upload the pics of the church the girls playing or the awesome jacket.. i'll try tomorrow!