Well, thats it.. the tree has been trimmed. All concentrated in one area and I wouldn't change it for a thing! Maeve did a great job hanging bulbs. Maeve also got to put the angel on the top. However freaky looking said angel is, please politely refrain from commenting on its freakishness! I got it for 1.99 GBP less 25%!
Our tree is tiny and was given to us by our neighbour! She also managed to snag us a set of lights for 1GBP! She sure knows how to grab a deal around here and seems to be always thinking of us. The other day amidst the vomiting and whatnot, she knocked on the door to drop off a BAG full of presents for the girls. I got her 8 GIANT chocolate bars! She weighs mayyybe 80lbs soaking wet but LOVES a good choccie bar! Some women aren't as good at putting on weight as I am.
On a side note, I may or may not have mentioned my new friend Erica from Michigan. She has a gorgeous 10 week old son named Finn. We met at the library a week or two ago. She is really nice and finds the same things about living here annoying! She is great partner in crime to vent with! Anyhoo, tonight we went out to see Happy Feet. hahaha I had zero expectations for it but it turned out quite nice and it was nice to be away from the fam for a bit! Her husband Chay that is (CH not SH) picked us up and drove me home! It was nice to not have to ride the giant pink double decker bus that may or may not pick me up for a change!
Well, its pancakes day tomorrow so I better get off to bed so I don't fall asleep in the batter! Love you all and miss you terribly. Specially my family who, with Auntie Erin, are celebrating Christmas this weekend. I would, in all honestly, give a kidney to be ther for it... but no one wants my damned kidney!!
FIRST POST AGAIN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MUHAHAHAHAHHAHA
Love the big balls on that tree !!!
I'm glad you are able to bring someone else into your evil realm otherwise known as "the dark canadian side"
WE misses you guys soooo much, I can't wait to come visit again.
loves you
Darn you wingfields...I'll get first post next time. FIRST BLOOD RELATIVE POST!! WOOT, anyhow your tree is very cute, albiet pathetic, but it does the job despite its meagre trimmings, much like your husbands potent tackle, I want to see a pic with the kids all round it with the pressies being torn asunder, Make sure theres a big long video of it on you tube,
Uncle t
I love the tree!
You guys look like you are having fun!
What a great neighbor!!
And us the midwest girls from the "M" states are great! glad you found one to vent with.. so important!
I feel out of touch.. feel like I am in some big storage box =(
I got your message on my cell.. hope all is well... =)
xxoo ME
You guys look great. What a cute little tree. It sure makes things feel a little more like the holidays having a tree up. We are missing the family celebrating xmas together today too :(
WHat a lovely Christmas tree. How sweet!
Happy holidays across the pond you four beautiful people!
ummmmmmmm for the record Tig, I believe that Sara is Michael's blood relative and there are two parts to the mussellam equasion, so really..........WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT! sore losers really!
But we love and miss you all too and wish you could be here. No chance to call you today but will try for tomorrow. I don't have to work until later so maybe we can coordinate Tig.
Vashti the tree is beautiful and so are all the people gathered around it. I am so glad you have found someone to go to a movie with and to just generally commiserate with! Makes life more worth living doesn't it? Now just don't go and find a new mama!!
I love you all too!
kisses n' hugs
Thank you thank you for the surprise package! We just received it today but haven't opened it yet. It is sitting under our tree waiting for Christmas day.
Cool we have the same tree !!
Mine is full of the Ordiments that Mom made.....I will download a picture soon, hopefully.
You should totally take a picture with all the presents around it...that would look funny !! hee hee hee..........
I hope you and "Erinka" will have some laughs....but remember there is only ONE ERIN !!
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