So we are all recovering nicely. The girls had a little down time on the dora couch yesterday! This have been ok here. I'm really beginning to feel the distance between me and all of you! I really wish we could come home from christmas. Or just come home!! Haha I don't know if it is age or what but I am a sappy crybaby these days. I feel HORRIBLE for taking the girls away from their family. It is such a great opportunity to be here but the ramifications of not being with friends and family at xmas was not expected to say the least! Every day package after package arrives for the girls. We are so lucky to have such understanding friends and family members. I keep thinking, well its just one year and they'll never know they missed one christmas with their family anyway. The only thought that makes it all tolerable is, they are just 3 and 1 so there will be lots and lots of christmases spent with their Primas and Primos! Must be the holiday season that makes me miss you all, even tho at the holidays someone usually gets their feelings hurt, someone gets too drunk, or there is some huge drama! Or more specifically some whacko in my family whips out the Dr. Ho's and affixes it in places probably not meant for it!
My College Instructors told me that at the 6month mark things were going to feel really tough and she was right! She made me promise to not quit and to really give things a chance here. So, here is to another happy and healthy 6 months at least! So hope the gear up to xmas eases up on me because I'm spending a fortune on tissue! haaha just kidding, you all know I use my sleeve!!
So the outfit is from Auntie Sara and we say from Maeve, "Merry ChristMOOSE"

I'm so sorry you are so sad.
Homesick is the toughest emotion.
Hug yourself over and over again and remember that everyone, I'm sure, is sending them out to you all the time.
aww vashti I could not read your post because I was crying so much! Now you just phoned and I lost the connection!! I wish I had the $$ to fly you and your brother home!
Tig made me laugh and you made me cry so really.....it feels like Xmas already.
I love you all,
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