Hello all, not a big blog today. Madigan has been barfing off and on all day. Poor thing. I was just talking to Anna this morning and she said her girls are sickie too. Who knew the sick bug could travel the world so fast. We are going to have an early night because it is going to be a long one. I think I'll camp in the girls room and Maeve and Daddy can have a nice good sleep. Poor Michael got upchucked on at the mall. Maeve seems to be doing well so that is good. Hopefully she'll get lots of good rest and she'll be able to resist this bug! On an upnote we did get to see Santa, mere moments before cookie tossing! Santa gave the girls a hedgehog stuffed animal who Madigan calls meow meow! Its cute. Well, off to scrape the barf out of my hair!! n Here is Maeve still managing to have a happy face through it all and poor sicky baby madigan snoozing in between barfing.
Lucky lucky bitches! Fil sent us the pics pre barffest! Here are the girls and good ole Father Christmas!

Poor Madigan, poor mommy! no fun at all. she looks so sweet and cuddly sleeping like a baby. Hope things improve soon...
Man, barf.....how are YOU managing not to barf too !!??!?!
Sorry to here Madigan is sick...poor little Princess in training.
Maeve looks so cute telling Santa what he should be bringing her....I can hear her now.....I want a dolly, a pony, a kitty.......and on and on.....
Too funny !!
Luvs,hugs&kisses.....miss you ALL very much !!
Oh no, attack of the barf. Poor kiddo. Hope she is back to her funny, adorable self soon.
Nice Santa shots. Have to agree with the Doucettes. A Santa barf would have been classic. But, I'm sure he's relieved.
I wonder if anyone ever has done a pole on how many times St Nick has been upchucked on! She looks very rosy in the photo (thanks Fil) and I have one of auntie caca on the Easter Bunnies knee with a fever of 102 but she sure looked lovely in the picture!
I will be at the Post Office early tomorrow sending some gravol!
Love you sickies!
awwwwhhh poor lil'darlin!
Hope she feels better. little ones shouldn't be allowed to barf. they are so sweet though, wish I could kiss their little cheeks
Aww poor Madigan and poor Mommy for having to clean up all her barf. Despite her sickness she still looks as cute as ever.
Nice pics with Santa!
OHhhh Yucky, I can identify with the mommy gets barf in hair syndrome. Isnt it just the way, you get them dressed but, you just cant'take them out.the mommies that is. Those poor little darlings. Hope things get better. Love Deb
awwww, poor little kid, meow meow? thats awesome, Get that kid a cat why doncha, Wait a sec maybe I send her one and chisel myself in as the greatest and most favoritist uncle of all time@!!!!!
aww poor goober. You think shes a clone of Jason, you should see Brodies mini clone!! Saige IS her!!! she even farts lots just like us!! She farted down an entire isle at toysrus today...she was pretty proud too!
hahah thanks for all the comments.. Mom, did you write "pole" instead of "poll" to be funny? If so it wasn't missed by me!
I am so glad she skipped barfing on Santa as I would have been more mortified than I was already!
Erin, you'll be happy to know my 7 year stretch is still intact. I refuse to vomit!
Well That poor little darling, but i'm glad to say that we made it out of town before the vomiting incident !!!!Whew. hahaha. HOw was she with santa I presume since you are in the pic with the girls that they didn't so much enjoy the strange old man wanting to hug them. Hahaha neither did Jake. I'll post it soon. ahhaha
yes it was a play on words and thanks for noticing! I wondered if anyone besides myself would read it and laugh.
I do amuse myself.
How is the little pole dancer doing? (I guess that would be Maeve and not baby Jason though)
Love you
hahah I saw the pole comment!! MOM IS ILLITERATE!
How on, I had to clean up the barf!
As soon as the second stream of white "Aliens" fluid shot across the mall, Vashti grabbed the little beast and fled to the mommy change room, leaving me to defend the stinky pile from passers-by. Finally, the janitorial staff swarmed in with mops, etc..
I too fled soon after that.
looks like santa had a tummy flu bug in his sack..
I wonder if they have ever done a study about the germs that are passed from one kid to another by sitting on Santa's lap.. hmmmmm =(
my wee girl is sick too.. I blame it on preschool germs germs germs.. but like I just told lisa.. Athea being sick has actually made it easier to pack.. she sleeps for hours..
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