We blew on into town today... RECORD winds for England. I heard some talk of tornadoes in London? I don't have a tv so I can't actually confirm that crazy ole lady's claims. We struck out with one stroller and one pedestrian. BAD MOVE!!! We were ok until we hit the bus stop and thats when it began to pour! All three of us huddled under the brolly and waited for the big black cloud to move so the nice blue patch of sky behind it would hit us! After the torrential rain stopped I let Maeve hold the umbrella... a giant gust of wind blew her and the umbrella over! Woops! After a good cuddle and wiping off some mud Maeve seemed to be allright. The reason it was tough with one walker and one lazing about in the stroller is that the walker complained of sore feet and wanted to be carried. You have GOT to be kidding me! Well we made it into town anyway and hit our favorite starbucks for some baby chinos and a muffin, then we were off to the ELC toy store! Fun fun fun and Madigan slept thru the whole toy fabulosity!
ok, for those of you who haven't made it out to visit us YET, michael would like me to ammend something here. The weather in England is a little bizarre. In 10 minutes will have had rain, sun, rain, sun, rain clouds, clear blue sky and then rain. The weather here moves so fast it is insane. Michael says it is because there are no mountains. I say this land is cuckoo cuckoo! (but with a posh british accent)
WHIPPEEEE FIRST POST FINALLY! on the coveted British site! Wow, Maeve looks amazingly beautiful despite her Mary Poppins attempt to fly! Crazy weather you're having, and yes, I saw on the news that North London had a tornado! You are not in Kansas anymore there Vashti! Hang on to your brolly! kisses to the little misses! luv Jac
I can't believe she is wearing that coat AND looking like a movie star princess!! Dan has gone out but I can't until she has a look at the photo!
Ya the weather may be related to the lack of mountains but I am more in your camp Vashti!
Love ya all
Maeve looks so beautiful, just like a little princess in that cute pink coat. That is some crazy weather you are having there. We had a similar experience last weekend. We didn't have an umbrella, but even if we had, it would have been impossible to stay dry. I'll have to update our blog, we have a picture :)
WOW Vashti, What a beautiful coat!!!! YRRR GIRLS PRETTY HOT TOO> JUst you guys wait till she is breaking all those british hearts. Does William and Harry have a much younger brother. Little Maeve may win his heart and you all can live happily ever after. You are a brave woman. Keep those feet on the ground and don't fly away in all that wind. Love you Deb
I would never even notice the weather with that cutie pie around:)
Beautiful pictures.
Love the long flowing mane under the tuque.....I think I saw that stretched over your head in an earlier post. I see Maeve has your head .....hahahaha.
Keep both feet firmly planted !!
I sure do rule at buying cool jackets, Glad to see it still fits, or, rather DOES fit!!
Love you all and miss you heaps!
Omg Maeve is so beautiful!!
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