Yes they left us. They haven't even been gone a full hour and I already miss them. Sara is a fantastic Mommy. Jacob is a fantastic baby. He is so loving and sweet and smart.. don't get me started about his gross motor skills! He isn't even 11 months yet and he walks, runs, plays soccer AND hockey... Madigan is 3 months older and he keeps right up hehe and sometimes surpasses her with his amazing skills! Anyhoo, we just sent them away in a taxi and they are on their way to London.
boohoo wahh wahh... seriously, I can't begin to thank those of you who have come all the way to London to visit us. I have adults that I talk to here and we go to stay''n'plays and fun stuff but no one can replace my family! Currently I'm trying to persuade Erin to take a 6 month leave of absence and come and live with us. She wont have to pay rent per se... heheheh lots of babysitting tho! Well, neice sitting.. actually I'd rather she didn't sit on them!
Today we are on mend and defend. We'll be kicking it at home while I try to do some of the stuff I totally neglected to do when we had guests! Sara did ALL the laundry while she was here and I"m so going to miss that... come to think of it, her and Michael did all the dishes too... hmmm what was I doing?
Yesterday, Michael took the day off and we went to Warick Castle. Yes yes, I bore you again with Castle pics! No laughing at my goofy hat, Michael says he likes it on me.

Safety first kids, here are Maeve and Madigan playing petshop friends on the fireplace with a picture of Ms Haidyn Reynoldzeses. I don't think you can see but the pic of Haidyn has allll her kitty friends and I think that is why Maeve likes to play with her petshop animals with the pic. For those of you who may be concerned. the fireplace is for decorative purposes only. If I want them to get burns I let them play with the radiator.. ha ha
Woo hoo First post beotches!! That's the one advantage of living in the furthest country away from the rest of the world, we are ahead of everyone in time :p but behind in everything else. Now time to read the blog before Gummyluvvy magically appears online at some inhumane time of the wee hours of the mornig to swipe away my victory.
Vashti, you sure have a hunk of a husband. MIchael looks great, as the rest of you, happy and healthy.
oh great rowena.. now michael is going to be all puffy chested and all proud of hiimself... look, it is getting hard enough trying to oppress him without blog compliments thanks alot!!!!hahah yes, Michael is gorgeous.. I think living here agrees with him... and he is always gorgeous, its just he usually makes silly faces in all the pics. We were quick to comment how "normal" he looked in this one!
He is a beauty that boy!!
And I was NOT lurking Tig (well maybe I was but still not the first)
However I am going for the BEST!
And totally without witty comments so will close and hope someone with more brain cells posts soon for my amusement!
Hi Maeve and Madigan
love you and miss you!
Personally i think it is just Sara's beautty bouncing off Mike.
Hahahaha...good one Ken !
Vashti you took the words right out of my type.....FINALLY a picture of Michael looking normal, with no silly facial expressions or poses.
You all look SO good ...and yes I think you look slimmer than Sara in that picture......bitch !!! hehehe....
**** Yes I will work on that 6 month leave and sit on the kids !! hahaha.....****
Sure looks like you guys had a fab time.
Well we had a wonderful time and thank you all for letting us visit. Who knows we might come back and live with you there for...oh say 6mons or so !!! hahahah Wouldn't that be grand all the Mussellam/Wingfield kids take England CHAAAAAAAARGE!!!!!!! Loves and hugs to you all and we miss you already. Now when you blog I know exactly were you are in the world !! very cool
I think the little man J peeking out in the back pack outshines them both =)
Haidyn brought out her pet shops so she could play wiht Maeve too.. you guys are pretty awesome to have her picture framed and on the mantal.. (and framed in pink.. she was delighted. Can't believe that pix was taken Feb-04.. that is nearly 3 years ago YIKES)
We sure do miss and love you guys!
Beautiful pictures of you all! It must be pretty quiet now ...It all looks so pictureque there! The girls look awesome, as do you and Michael there Vash! living abroad agrees with you all. If you are ever heading up to Blackpool I have family up there, Dawn and Paul Latham, they have two store/sites on pleasure beach, but it is a spring/summer thing, but you would love them! (and Blackpool)
All is well here, back to rain and no snow...
luv Jac
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