hahaha well, the other day Maeve and I tried our hand at making stained glass cookies! Hahaha, Mommy doesn't read directions very well! Well, honestly it said, grease tray with fat. Seeing as butter is fat, I assumed it would be fine. NOPE! So, the first attempt at the treats were crappy, cracked, broken and mostly stuck to the burned on butter! Oh well.. the troopers we are, we decided to try again! We only had one cookie casualty and Maeve very helpfully destroyed the evidence!
Well yesterday we met up with our new friends Erica, Chay and their 12 week old son Finn. We went to Jephson Gardens to feed the poultry! Well, have a good look at the pictures because.. well, if you weren't giving them food they were going to take it! Poor Madigan. Look reeeeeally closely at the pictures! The movie included is our good ole ding donger! I've officially given my hat to Maeve because, it looks better on her, it fits her better and... well she has alot of fun in it! My apologies to you for the builders bum hanging out in the pic but it was all of us so i had to use it

YESSSS AGAIN !!!!! COme on people are we a little slow with the first posts !!!!! Okay okay I do have a bit of an advantage, seeing that I am 3hrs ahead of you west coasters !!!
No Madigan NOOOOOOOO !!! Don't go near the christmas goose !!! They are EVILLLL>
Love the video of my little cutie niece maeve !!! Sorry V your write she is to friggin adorable with that touque !!!!!!
Loves you and misses you
And if you look closely you can see the piece of bread that Madigan was holding a second before the goose went for it, falling to the ground (that blurry white thing by her leg). I think both Madi and the goose had their eyes closed...
awwwwww the fact that you made the stain glass cookies warms the cockles of my heart (or however that goes) They look awesome and so do all of you!) You were missed greatly at the family gathering but I am proud to say i cried only twice, once when I was lying in the family room listening (s secret tradition of mine) and your voices were not among the ones I was eavesdropping on, and once when Siobhan gave me a bracelet (coolest thing ever) that she gave me with PICTURES OF SOME OF MY GRANDDAUGHTERS ON IT). the bracelet is beautiful without pictures but with them it is truly priceless.
A good time was had by all (well me anyway)
Love ya
Maeve is aging by the day....she has changed so much even since October when I visited !! She looks SO grown up.....I love the video of her with the touque. That is crazy cute. Poor little Madigan...NEVER trust the geese Madigan, they are always cranky...I think they may be for Quebec or something !!! heeheehee..
I had a great time at your families christmas.....it was really hard cause weren't there and I miss you SO much ! But all and all you have a great family and Jason & Barb out did themselves once again. Jason...even though he can be quite bossy and sometimes a meanie, cooked a great dinner and Barb looked after the whole family with all her generosity...they are great peoples....me loves them lots. It was really, really nice to see them all again. Like I said though....I really missed you and of course Michael & the girls...oh yah and that other brother and wife of his....Todd & Rowena as well. The burns are never that good when the one being burned isn't around. Naaa....we kept it to a minimum and only referred to you as Uncle Odd.....hahahaaha...
Luvs,hugs&kisses.....and don't for the misses too !!
Awww poor little Madigan. I can see the blury white thing that she was holding after Michael pointed it out. She's such a big girl now, walking around and feeding big bad old geese. And Maeve is SO super cute with her toque. I love that video! You sure are lucky to have such great little girls.
Oh, poor little Madigan's finger! I hope that goose got some good ol' Canadian Justice! I guess that pic was take just before the tears arrived.
The park looks so quaint and your new friends look really nice too. It took a while, but it seems like you are all settling in and having a good time despite missing family and friends. I am so happy that you look so happy.
The Ding-dong video of Maeve is soooooo cute! It could and should be in a music video. Sadly, I am so out of the music loop, I couldn't say who's video it whould be for...
old lady doucette
your little girls are so freakin adorable, I wish I could come and squeeze them!! Tell Madigan I'll come and get that goose! and little Maeve your just a ding dong little princess!!
love you all,
Mery Christmas!!!
P.S> I finally updated my blog, you should go check it out
Look at that beauty queen Maeve smile!
Beware the goose Madigan!
How cool are you guys?!
Stained glass window cookies!! they look fabulous.. WOW! I AM impressed! Nice work Maeve!!! (and chefs hats off to your cool mum too)
Sorry you guys had to miss the family gathering.. it made me sad to read.. It is a sad yet happy time this season.. such an emotional rollar coaster... living away from the ones you love affects the moods more than PMS... I swear.. tie them together and watch out!! =) Merry Christmas you guys!
CANADIAN JUSTICE??? Madigan would have been charged with cruelty to a goose and the goose would have been awarded $$ for pain and suffering for having to let go of that lil finger!!!! harumph
Yes echoing our Erin's comments on Jason and Barb's (not to forget Robyn & Siobhan) excellent Christmas. It was (for me) completely stressless. I finally figured out the problem with the buns! they never got to rise......so were a bit odd but the turkey was awesome., the gravy may have been one of the best I have ever eaten and the dressing was to die for! I am busting out of my jeans so on a strict not eat a thing diet for a week or two!
but you certainly were missed those of you that are over the ponds and hopefully we will NEVER have to do without one of you again. (I am old,,,,,, I can dream)
love you all so much,
Beautiful cookies! (and baking assistant, Maeve! You'll give Nigella a run for her money in the future)
Milo says hi and thanks so much for the alligators. (it is like 6 am and he is fussing over the eggs already! he'll make a great mom someday!)
I tried making those cookies one year and the whole crushing of lifesavers was too much for me.. they didn't turn out half as lovely as yours. Great job!
Love Ange (& Milo & Theo)
English alligator breeding program, Vancouver division
Vashti, Maeve is your clone!!! oh my goodness, she has always looked so much like Michael to me! Sweet video clip, what a little dingdongdolly! Poor Madigan, I hope you enjoy that goose with orange sauce...
Well, it is confirmed, ChayChay is preggo for sure! scan this week so we will have details as to date etc. soon, Rob said he is sorry he was a deadhead on the phone this am. Save the burn! too easy...apparently that runs in the family, anyhoo I am thrilled to have another wee one on the way, maybe I will get some cuddle time when there are two (ie Pa might let go of Charli long enough for me to snuggle her)
Best Wishes, luv ya all lots!
OMG....Yes....yes....my apologies to Robyn and of course Siobhan...they were a HUGE part of the Christmas festivities. Robyn is one of the craftiest people I know and she did a fab job.
Thanks again for it all.
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