
hahaha now I've made my mom cry twice! Michael is crying too because it turns out Boss Hogg is my baby Daddy
After months of living a devil-may-care lifestyle in the backwoods of England, the Clan has moved onto the next leg of the wacky adventure and are transported back to the unruly urban melting pot of Vancouver, Canada. Let's move closer to see what Daddy Michael, Mommy Vashti, Big Sister Maeve and Little sister Madigan are up to now...
AWW I forgot the bigness of madigan!!
Please call the elc Vashti as when I try to contact them, the email won't go as it says your post code is invalid??? CV31 FL is what I tried to put in?
I am at work to try to locate the information.
love ya
oh Vashti, you made me cry too...families really are wonderful, amazing things. I hope the 'Engelnuts' are not totally responsible for all of the drunk/drama memories...Tiggers post made me cry too... Hard to be away at this time of the year. We are thinking of you all in your far flung homes, having adventures of your own, but in our hearts here!
luv Jac
Well, Vashti, I know that there can be days like that. Especially around Christmas. I have to admit I have had a few of them myself. Oh, I did a test too. I am having a boy and appererntly I seduced the neighbors 18 year old son. And He is HOT. Gotta like that. Keep your chin up and think about all the much better you can appeciate your family when you do get to finally seee them all. We really do love our families, Warts and ALL> Have a great weekend
Love Deb
Boss Hogg wooo weee girl, I would have gone for Rosco Keekoooo train.. or Crazy Cooter.. but the Hogg man himself.. did you knock yourself up for the money or the does baby like back? (well it was really mid with him wasn't it)?
Just a good ol boyz.. never meaning no harm..
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