Well thats it. The last of us have given that tummy bug the boot! Erin et al, you will be happy to know my 7 year streak remains untouched! It was touch and go there for me for a bit but being the trooper I am.. well you get the idea! So we last left you with Maeve becoming horribly ill. Off and on all night she was sick. Tuesday was Michael's probationary review at Codemasters. Where was Michael you ask? Head in the toilet thats where! Poor Michael gets sick on his last day of probation! hahahhaha Poor guy. With Michael home I did take Madigan downtown to finish some errands. It was nice. We ate breakfast at McDonalds!!!!! I don't think we've eaten there in AGES! Just for the record it didn't taste right! It was nice to spend some one on one time with my littlest! Gave me a little prelude to what January might look like if Maeve does infact enjoy going to the preschool she is enrolled in! Today is house cleaning catchup day! Wahoooo! I've been doing nonstop laundry for the last week! Madigan is up having a nap and Maeve is playing happily with her old skook fisher price house. I love my family! Michael just called to give me the update. Turns out he had to fill in some paperwork for his sick day so with luck he may actually get paid since it was technically the last day of his probation! Nothing sucks more than being sick.. then being sick without pay! I've got a spot carved out in the living room for our xmas tree. Christmas is going to be great because of the girls but is also going to suck because everything here is so foreign!! Imagine a 3 foot fake xmas tree! how jolly,.... NOT! Oh well, the tree will certainly be eclipsed by all the prezzies under it! Stuff has been arriving almost every day! I'm so excited for the girls to open all this crap! Then find a home for it all... yee gads! Well, must start the cleanup catchup day!

Today's pic is one that Maeve took of her "octopus". It is great! She is so talented
All my love, Vashti
FIRST BEEEEEOOOOOTCHHES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow that felt good !
Nice to hear you guys are feeling better. Hey don't knock the 3ft tree...we've got a 4 1/2ft one. SSSo much easier with the wee one. He already pulled it a couple times and guess what nothing happened. hahaha I love that tree !!!!
Glad you are feeling better,
we are preparing to miss you all terribly this weekend, it is going to be different with out you and the girls and michael, as well as no tig/row.
We will have fun anyways, but you both better be home when we call!
You might need to start a new blog just for Maeve's pics!
Well, I am glad that you are all starting to mend. It total sucks being sick. How did Michael review go? I think that Sarah has some pent up frustration regarding first post. Is it called FIRST POST POST SYNDOROME? Nothing like a mini tree. The advantage is that you could put it on something high and little fingers couldn't grab ornaments off of it and it would look bigger. Ours look like a typical bush tree. And all the ornaments start at around the halfway mark. Hope everything continues on your 7 year steak and you just arnt struck at a later date. Most likely Christmas day. Because in our house it isn't Christmas unless someone is sick. Love Deb
Yeah, glad to hear things are improving in the sicky department.
And what a great photo and pic. Love it!
Looks like The Renoldz comments didn't make it yet so I guess I will have to fill in. They must be in transit. Oh well never can do justice to Anna's comments anyway.
HI glad to hear you are all better and enjoying your seven year steaks (contributed by Deb)I do love to point out all of the errors made by anyone other than myself....then play my old card when someone actually mentions my mistake (only in the singular)
Michael as to our conversation regarding my ancestry, we shall not go there will we. Let me rest on my delusions.
Love ya anyway
Wow great octopus Maevey gravey. Good to hear that you are all feeling better now. It's never fun to be sick.
Hooray! We are soooo glad you are healthy!
We are back online baby!
Maeve sweet honey I LOVE LOVE LOVE your beautiful picture!
DAD you did a great job on your comment.. thanks for filling in for your out of the loop daughter!
It is hard to find a real tree here too.. but I found a little European Pine in a pot.. and took it home, and then home again.. =)
Love you guys
XO Anna
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