Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tea Party!

On Friday, the girls and I were invited to a very special event. A very special tea party at the Doucette's! We arrived dressed as princesses and were treated like royalty! Lisa had a fantastic spread out for us.

First, Liam let everyone share a turn on his computer

Then, we feasted!

Then Liam, and the girls played with stuffed animals with Liam. I wasn't welcome so I only got this one shot!

I didn't grab a shot of the kids playing outside but Ronan had some projects going on out there. The kids played outside while Lisa and I (mostly I) ate all the goodies that the kids didn't. A big thank you Lisa, you throw a mean tea party!

At dinner later that night, Mrs Maeve Trump wowed us with her new look... FABOOSH BITCHES!


gummaluvvy said...

Oh Maeve, your looks are changing again! I am not sure the Trump look is for you but if you like it then so do I.
I am wondering why there is not a picture of Mommy dressed as a princess here? Or for than matter any of the Doucettes? Boys can be princesses too, just ask your Daddy.
I love you all and can't wait until you get here.

Anonymous said...

We LOVED having the terrific threesome over! Liam was in heaven with the attention of BOTH Mussellam girls! Love the Trump Maeve. No one could wear it as well as you do. Love the comment about princesses from Gummaluvvy...snap!