Friday, February 29, 2008


We've got  news... we've got  news....

Madgan says, "No news for you, one week"
Neener Neener Neener you have to wait to seeeeeeee!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Yesterday we went to the dentist!

maybe Maeve really is my child!  Look at those adult choppers lurking behind her baby teeth!  Someone is going to be in for a world hurt in a few months!  I have more pictures to upload but we are going to take advantage of the sunshine and GET outside!!    

Ronan, Lisa and Liam came with us to the dentist and I have to send them their pictures before asking to post them here!  Hopefully I'll get some more later tonight!   

I love my girls and their big huge chicklets!  Jason and I were teased mercilessly (sp) when we were kids because our front teeth were so big!  Jason has fantastic teeth and mine were nice before I knocked them out!! haha Maeve is a finnerty afterall!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

In all seriousness...

Hello there, it's Michael.

Vashti doesn't preach on this blog, but hell, it's my blog too. Sometimes we all need to stop and have a look around at what we're doing to the planet. Oh stop rolling your eyes, all I'm asking is you watch this and have a think. Nothing else.

If you need something to think about, think of our children.

That ends my contribution to the blog. See you in a few months. Hugs.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Hello everyone.. so slow to blog.  I just don't seem to have it in me these days.  Everyone is great, the girls are super!  Michael is good and I just can't seem to shake the lead out and post!  I read everyone's blog every day tho!!  Guess I'm just lazy!
Enjoy some snaps from the past couple weeks!

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Hello doods! We had an amazing weekend. After working my tail off the last week and a bit I was rewarded with 5.. yes 5 days off in a row! How exciting! I don't even recall exactly what we did but some of it was nothing. Yes friday the best I managed was to get everyone in the bath! Saturday Melanie Troyer (Fellers) and I went to the Pink Lime Salon... heaven, I was in heaven! We had a massagee and a pedicure! I had my piggies done in "didgiri-doo your nails pink? Mel opted for Socrates to me.. or something like that. Before we hit the spa we had a delicious brunch at Milestones and squeezed in a little window shopping. When I cam home... Michael MADE dinner. Yes that is correct, for the second time in our 15 year union, Michael MADE dinner! This time however, it was delicious! I almost forgot and how could I. My wonderful friend Lisa took me out for drinks and snackies at the 5 Point on Saturday night. It was really really nice. Afterwards we walked and talked it was coooooold but so crisp and beautiful. I had a great time. It really is nice to have some adult friend time!
Sunday we wandered around Mt Pleasant aimlessly before happening upon Mill's Paints. In we go... chat about painting.. spur of the moment decide to paint and voila.. tune in next week to see how we turned this

Into something amazing! Ok, we all know by "this" I meant the black wall in the girls bedroom right.. the "this" in no way refers to some amazing makeover the putty knife holder gets!

After our paint selection we made our way to cafe Rustico. This place is literally across the street from us. The extremely hyper Italian guy that runs the place is constantly pouring espresso down my throat! After the nasty case of the shakes I got last time I no longer take him up on his espresso treats! Here is Maeve seen thru a coffee cup. Very avante garde, photo courtesy of Michael Mussellam. Artist.

Today we had some visitors at Casa Mussellam. Lisa stopped by with her 7 week old baby girl Miete.

We had a very nice visit. She isn't too far away so it'll be great now that she knows where we live, we'll make her walk up the hill to visit us! Stroller bootcamp as it were! Miete is a lovely baby. She is all ginger and smiles for her mother. Like the rest of the human race, my voice distresses her and makes her cry! ha ha oh well, when listening to me everyone is crying at least on the inside!

Melanie and Carter dropped by for a short visit! Maeve and Madigan LOVE Carter!

He is such a happy adorable little baby! He looks like Mel alot.. and also Monkey! Mel rolled up with her hair all did and looked totally gorgey! When Mel and Carter arrived, Maeve collected all the pillows from the couch and made a safe area around Carter incase there were any crash landings. Watch the video, you are sure to see one! No babies were hurt in the making of this video! Mel might hurt me after watching if she is anything like me and hates seeing herself on camera! I think she looks great in this video. Shut up, you do too!