Tuesday, May 25, 2010

MOnday...er... tuesday!

Hi gang,

I guess we are blogging again! Today has been THE WORST! What a crappy day! Thank goodness the girls are so well behaved because I have had a tough tough day at work and Michael will be staying late at his. :( Yesterday we took the kids fishing at Cultus Lake. Uncle Kenny and Kara met us there too! We had a pretty fun afternoon, had an early dinner and then made it home!

Here are the girls, not necessarily from this weekend but hey, beggars can't be choosers!

Here we have Maeve and Madigan involved in some sort of 'slave' labour! Imagine having to unpack and stack 30+ toilet paper rolls... oh the humanity!

**** we also may or maynot have permission to place Melanie Snagg's picture on our blog.. hehe maybe she doesn't read this!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sports Day

A well deserved long weekend is finally here! We had planned on going camping but at the last minute, decided against it! Good call because it is now pouring rain!

Here is our lovely Miss Madigan enjoying our lush tropical balcony forest!

Maeve had sports day on friday! I snuck out from work to grab a few shots and cheer my girl "Stephanie" on! Maeve's teachers were, "Captain Underpants and The Masked Shamed Canuck Fan" boys will be boys!

Team "Super Duper Kids"

Thursday, May 20, 2010

It is sports day at Maeve's school tomorrow. Having been to the costume store and viewing all the girls halloween costumes (read totally slutty), we have opted for a more age appropriate costume! Maeve will be going as 'Stephanie' from lazytown

You'll note that the real Stephanie wears a wig but Maeve's Mommy is cheap and handy with a pair of scissors so, voila:

Two blogs in two days! Beat that bitches!


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just Beachy!


Its been so long since I've blogged and I'm so sorry! It sounds like I say it all the time but we are so busy! Work is cuhrazee, the kids are fantastic and since the weather is bananas we have almost always been at the beach! So far we've hit Second Beach repeatedly, Centennial Beach, Jericho Beach and most recently Porteau Cove which is, you guessed it, a beach!

We are so lucky to live in such a fantastic City! I'm constantly amazed at all the things we get to choose to do! I also can't believe we are coming up on the end of the school year! Where has the time gone??????

We've slowed down today because of the rain, this is why I've gotten a chance to blog! Hopefully I'll manage to steal a few minutes to blog more often.. ok Mom??

xo xo love to you all!