Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Eve

Ho ho Ho and Merry Christmas to you all!

Clan Mussellam wishes you and yours the very best!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Mussellams are alive and well. Blogging has fallen far far by the wayside! Sorry!

Bamboo getting 'put' in the Christmas spirit. Doesn't look like he likes it but he does! Madigan and Bamboo have a 'unique' relationship! She torments him and he keeps going back for more and eats it up with a spoon. Meh.. they are on their own those two!

On our very first snow of they year, little ms beautiful inspecting an icicle!

The whole fam damily in all our glory. Not sure why Michael looks surprised, he is the one who set the timer on the cam.. go figure! For those of you that know me well, yes I am trying to cover up my double chins with my shoulder.. shut up I saw it on America's next top model! the girls look great though!