Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Holy no posting batman!   I have been so neglectful to you all, my faithful readers.  I apologize!  I have a been a busy little bee!  Work has been busy.  The kids have been busy!  Seems like I hardly have time to myself!  Well, honestly I have a new man in my life.  Well,  a couple really.  He is called "Dog" and I love his show.  I am also a fan of at least one of his sons!!!  Dog has really been eating up my free time these days!

Here is Ms Maeve Adera cranking out one of her pieces of art.  She loves drawing and I love watching her pictures evolve.  She is trying new things and mixing new elements into her art.  She is simply amazing.  

Here is her finished work.  The xxxx's at the bottom are "sparkles" and they help the bubbles float up into the sky!.

She is working on labeling her art work.  On the first line she wrote, "A Big" but she put the g 'tail' on the wrong side so she started again.  The next line reads, "A big B u" then she started again because her "u" didn't work out so she started again with "A Bubbl".  So, the title of this piece is "A BuBBL"  she did it all herself, sounded out all the letters in bubble.  I'm not going to tell her she missed the "e"  I'll let the rest of my spelling nazi family do that!

Monday, March 09, 2009

Monday Monday... duh nuh, nah nah nah.....

Not much going on around here these days.  We are all well, as well as people who work and go to school in petri dishes may be that is!  Coughs, colds snotty noses are pretty par for the course around here.  

I'm busy cursing daylight savings time because the girls do NOT want to go to sleep when it is still light out.  I am patting myself on the back again for the blackout curtains I got for 50% off when Linens'n'things went belly up!  Ahh glorious darkness!  

Today we woke up to snow.. boo.. I knew it was coming though.  Had a hot tip from some islanders warning me of the coming white stuff!

Here is Little Ms Madigan Bea doing a significant dismount on the balance beam.  This kid is amazing with balance!  She seems to LOVE her class and I'm pretty sure her teacher is pretty in love with our Goober!

She is such a silly little monkey and I adore her, well more when she isn't driving me crazy with the constant whining and crying!

Tonight the girls are sound asleep.  This girls love each other (when they aren't fighting/screaming at each other) even in their sleep!  I am the luckiest Mother ever!  

Maeve and Madigan, je t'aime!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Read my shirt......

And we love her!

Happy Birthday Auntie CaCa! Hope you have a great day today!
