What a GORGEOUS day! We spent the day with Lisa, Ronan and Liam! I had a hoot! We kicked it old skool style. Riley Park just like the old days! Lisa was much faster than me and posted a great blog so check hers out!
The day went like this,
Riley Park
Kits beach for some serious sand play!
Said gbye to the Doucettes and opted for a prenap potty visit. Walked maybe 2 feet away from the facilities and Madigan is crashed in the buggy. Looks like we'll be staying at kits for a little while longer! Maeve looked like she had a blast playing in the sand while Madigan napped. She was pretty far away from me and I was a little nervous. She of course face plants right at the shoreline! The good news is I've never seen her jump up and spring to action faster! The badnews was her jeans got a little wet.. no biggie! I managed to transfer sleeping Madigan from buggy to carseat and we picked up Daddy! Now Daddy is reminding me there are only 4 days left before we move! sweet mother of mary I better get packing!
Looks like fun. Good luck with the move. Sounds like it isn't going to rain this weekend. Maybe, or at least not as much as last. Hope all goes well. It is hard watching kids move farther away in their boundries isn't it? It is so very good for them though. Well, good luck again. And, it is 6 in the morning so, I am blessed with the first post. Take care, Deb
We had fun too! Looks like Maeve is an excellent digger! Glad you achieved le nap for the little one. Maeve is so funny and Madigan is cheeky and a real spitfire. It's fun to get to know them and you.
cookie d.
omg Maeve looks so cute with that boy! Miss you guys. xo Wee
Hey, good luck with your move tomorrow. Where the hell is Mt. Pleasant? We didn't know you bought a house! Congratulations! Upload some pics of that will ya?! As if you have any time! XO Kate
I love the pix of Ronan and Maeve.. =)..
Looks like a lot of fun! It sure was great talking to you! Thanks for calling! xo
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