Monday, May 01, 2006

Little Miss Madigan

Hasn't she grown? My god. It feels like yesterday I was still pregnant with her! Madigan is SUCH a treat. She is funny and LOVES Maeve so much it hurts! Nothing can light up my day faster than seeing Madigan see Maeve after a nap. Maeve is also getting big but I figured today was Madigan's day to shine! On the weather note our entire backyard is now located in our neighbours due to the insane wind. Ok, I exaggerated but all of our garbage cans have been blown over, our bbq cover is MIA and toto we aren't in kansas anymore!! ha ha have a great day!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hard to believe she can get any cuter speak louder than words.
Love you Madigan!!
Gumma Honie Nonie Luvvy