Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Talented photographer!

Today.... oooh what a day! Well, really we should start at last night. Maeve woke up crying at 4:30am, cried enough to wake us up and of course Madigan too. The whole fam damily was up crying at the crack of dawn! We took our beloved children into bed with us and blessedly all fell back asleep. Daddy was up and out at 7am to go play hockey. The girls and I got to sleep until 9! We were waiting for Daddy to come back with the car because today is ballet day! We were all showered and set to get Daddy back to work before heading out to ballet when I realized that I had forgotten Maeve's backpack with her ballet slippers and clothes to play in for after ballet. It was too late to turn back and we were already late for ballet. I made an executive decision to attend ballet sans slippers. Of course I was terribly terribly wrong. Poor Maeve went to ballet but dance she did not. She was so upset that I forgot her slippers she couldn't even dance. The poor honey. She didn't cry and she held the teacher's hand until the class was over. I felt like such a jerk. I solemly vow to get ballet stuff ready the night before . Maybe I'll even load it into the car so I don't forget! Poor Maeve. Madigan is doing well. Two teeth are through and I have to admit they have been through for a while I just have no documented evidence! Madigan is chatting up a storm. She mostly says gaa gaa and yeh yeh.. I keep trying to get her to say Mama but so far no takers. I'd love it if one of my children called me Mama instead of Vashti first! It looks like Madigan absolutely adores Maeve its only fair since everyone else does too!
Today I thought we could photgraph Madigan's elusive teethies! No such luck again! but we did get some good ones of the two girls and Maeve took all the ones with me in them! Poor her the subject sucks but the pictures turned out nicely! I wonder if they got Michael's creativity after all? I can hope can't I?


Anonymous said...

omg she is a genius that maeve! great pics of sissy and mama! Now is she ever calls her sister sissy you will have to beat her but for now we will not address that faux pas. Too bad about the ballet slippers but that is what the future therapists of the world long for so not to worry. (I know that I should be getting commissions from several from all of my past mistakes)Love ya
Gumma Luvvie

Anonymous said...

hey I see you put your nose ring back in!! Looks good. Excellent job miss maeve
Love Auntie Sara