Monday, February 13, 2006

What a weekend!

Ok so the pictures sort of came out in a rambled jumble order but here goes. Maeve playing in a box was taken today. She decorated the outside and inside of the box. Fun was had, tipping the box over while inside was fun, then the tears came when Mommy caught her chewing the tip off the marker that she had been decorating with! The joys of wondering if colours taste as good as they look. FYI They don't! Second pic is at Makadoodlenut's 3rd birthday at jumpin' jiminy's! It was a blast. I so wouldn't have brought Maeve there on my own but once I pulled my head out of my butt and ran around sliding with the kids it was SOoOOoo much fun! Big thanks to Auntie Linds, Uncle Bro and Makenna for inviting us! Third pic is more boxing around. Last pic is Auntie Linds holding our gorgeous Madigan. Now, if you look really hard you can see that there is NO pink on the child! I have grown and therefore my second child wont always be dressed in solid pink! Auntie Sara picked this cute little dress up when we went to Bellingham! Today of course, Madigan is wearing head to toe pink! 6-12 month pink pants that are almost too small and an 18-24 month shirt that Maeve *just* grew out of. By my scale Madigan weighs in at a whopping 13.5 lbs and Maeve weighs 30.5. Maeve's might not be 100% accurate but I weighed myself without Madigan and then with her and the difference was 13.5lbs!


Anonymous said...

and now that would be auntie linds with the gorgeous (but not dressed in pink) Madigan and OUR NEXT BLESSING..... HIDING IN AUNTIE LINDS'S TUMMY
a thrilled and blessed Gumma of many!!!! keep it up gang! (literally)

Clan Mussellam said...

No, I think she was just encouraging everyone to "get it up" and to "keep it up"

Anonymous said...

so technically then you have lost 13.5 lbs. What a great new diet item.