Some more bimbling... You know its going to be a good bimble when, a) michael runs on ahead b) 2 out of three people are facing one way and the other is going the complete opposite direction!
an adorable pumpkin head Madigan having pizza lunch with Maeve Thats as much pic descrip you are getting bitches!
Oh how loudly I am grumbling these days. Seems our littlest goober is riddled with pain. On the average day we are up to our necks in drool and my shirt is a collage of snot. Oh the joy!! I guess I could complain about the lack of sleep, or how grumpy I am or have frustrating it is dealing with her majesty but I've had a revelation of sorts... I basically wondered, if it is this bad for me.. how bad is it for her? I then stuck my finger in her mouth to suss it out a bit. My god, the poor child's gums are swollen into 4 huge knots. No wonder she is up all night crying, it bloody well hurts! My poor honey and there isn't really much I can do except get up with her and try to keep my grumbles to a minimum! Fortunately it isn't all doom and gloom. Madigan is a great baby..Maeve is a great big sister and really, the joy far outweighs the crankier times! I guess like Brodie, I'd give up sleep for Madigan... well except he said He'd give up eating for Lindsay... ahhh love!
this space reserved for unKaJ
ahahaah aren't you up early! well done Unka Jaycee!!
ps that is the way an adult says, "first post bitches"
hey UnKaJ if you don't claim it then you can't be a first post bitch. You can be other kinds of bitch but not first post.
Aww baby Jason sounds like her mama was at the same age. Your teeth (molars) were awful and actually at one time the Dr was going to LANCE them. But fortunately we said no we would do it when we got home from holiday and by that time they had broken through. Will you need more teething tablets?
Keep us posted.
Love you all,
You must brag son!!
Teeth are the bitches, man. Mhari gets em like 4 at a time. Poor Madigan. We'd all be knocked up on morphine if we had to hatch four big whoppers at once. Just think, though. If she gets four whoppers at a time, it'll all be over before she's even 18 months old. Bonus? Who knows...
Poor mommy too, though. Nothing like a cranky child to make you wish you'd gone to the office and daddy had stayed home:)
You do have awesome kids, though...AWESOMELY CUTE!
Awww Maddy Waddy, I wish uncle could make your pain stop, I couldnt bear to see those big blue pools well up, So good on yah Mama for easing her aches.
I heard dried apple rings can help if she gums away on them. Anyhow I hope you get some sleep soon, I was up late last night I coulda had first post..but alas...I will make do with sloppy fifths.
I have to say vashti, is that a picture of Michael hiding the bush sneaking up on everyone else? I thought you never saw him till he was on top of you. Those teeffees shur do hurt. Maggie is soooo full of snot and Pain. SHe is in the process of going from 4 chomppers to 8 or 9 all at once. She has a cold to boot. Drugs work well. (For Me, not necessarily her). My solution is a keg of wine. Red . Appaerntly it is good for you. I always feel better. Have a good visit with erin. Have a great day. Deb
Awww poor Madigan. It must be hard not to be able to do much to ease the pain for her. Oh the joys of motherhood that await me in the very far off distant future.... between Lindsey's huge owey belly and thinking about all those sleepless nights I think I'm officially scared of ever having babies now.
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