Hello! Sorry for the missing blogs. Erin made it to jolly ole on thursday and we have been busy little bees ever since. The pic above is of Erin basically emptying her luggage of GIFTS for the girls... Maeve got this great ukelele.. Madigan got a drum.. clothes aplenty, Dora movies... poor Erin has nothing to wear, all luggage space was dedicated to bringing gifts to england! We'll ahve to help her fill it back up with ridiculous shoes!
Friday we wandered around royal leamington spa. Saturday we went on a 10 mile bimble with our fearless leader Fil (Phil) and our travelling companion Mr Neil Bruder. Fun was had...a gorgeous church was spotted. We walked all along the canal by our house.. walked along the oldest straightest roman road in England and stopped off so the girls could play in the park!
Today we headed into town to celebrate thanksgiving with all the Canadians from Codemasters. It was great.. we were in a room full of people and *we* didn't have accents! There was a couple from Colorado, a couple from California a couple from Scotland but the rest of the huge band of merry drunkards were canadian! Turkey, potatoes, cheese, beer and all the trimmings! Maeve made a new friend named Brandon or "lord vader" as I call him. It was his 4th birthday and he had a light sabre. Very cool, Maeve informed us that she wanted a pink one with Dora on it! She is certainly an origional that girl! I told her the second I see one I will buy it for her! Every one loved the girls and wanted to hold or play with them. The festivities were at codemaster's lodge which is this huge mansion...gorgeous but poorly renovated! fireplaces in EVERy room even the bathroom! it was great... really fun time.. we came home put the sleeping girls to bed and we are all off to bed too..
Happy thanks giving to my family who are all celebrating together at my mom's house. I miss you all so very much and I really wish I was there with you. I hope you try to get together like that once a month and I'll phone wherever the gathering is and get a chance to talk to all of you. I love you all very much!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone from Australia! Unfortunately we don't have any Thanksgiving celebrations over here, but we are thinking about everyone back home. Wish we could be there to enjoy in the festivities and be there with family.
P.S. First Post!!
first post beotch!! and all of you in a church just seems odd!!!
I miss having you here for dinner but glad to see that you had a great day anyway!!!
Love ya
Tig we totally posted at the same time!!! and I was sure i was first!
Happy turkey Day. We had a roasted beeast last night and a ham. Kev had to work tonight. Sounds like you have a tough job of shoe buying in the next week or so. I bet you guys are having a great time. Love you and have a great time. Love Deb
Happy Thanksgiving Mussellam Clan! So awesome that the Aunty Erin is there, showering all with gifts! It looks like a great place to visit and bimble. So great that you got to visit with other imports!We had a great family dinner too, and are now in coma's on the couch until further notice.
I miss you guys and Tig/Row not being around...sob...
obviously I also had some wine with dinner..Kisses to Maeve and Madigan, don't forget to blog now!
luv Jac
Umm ma its time stamped you were beaten by a minute, And a minute is just enough, but don't get too excited micheal cause its rare. Anyhow you all look great, especially erin, who daringly gave the girls instruments, and stupidly didnt wait until AFTER she left. Anyhow I miss you all alot, Happy turkey day, cept for us, I had subway.. and having bento box for dinner....:(
Happy Thanksgiving! ahhh Turkey.. have not seen that in this town.. not sure they have it.. hmmmm
i like how, no matter where she is in line, in 'mom' world, shes always got first post...
anyways happy somethingorother, I'm currently in a hot box of jason farts...yah, you're missing oot.
i like how, no matter where she is in line, in 'mom' world, shes always got first post...
anyways happy somethingorother, I'm currently in a hot box of jason farts...yah, you're missing oot.
apparently danica likes to be sure she is last post by posting twice!!
Nice but not working!
And there were 0 posts when I started tig and you got in just before me......sorta fair and square but not really cuz you are a day ahead.......alas..by one minute!
ha ha You look like you are all having a musically good time. I promise to bring quiet toys (mostly because i will be sharing a bedroom with one or more of my grandgirls!!)
I love you all and wish you were here
ha got you all for last post!!!!
Happpy Turkey Day from the WIngfields in Queeerbec. We loves and misses you. Glad to hear auntie E made it safe and sound. Don't buy all the ridiculous shoes intown, save some for me too.
Loves and hugs
I see Auntie E is working on her angled side pose for the camera....
ooh I taught her that pose!~ I rule, however your smiles are quite put on.
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