Hallo Honey, how are you? Were you channeling me last night to tell me that Saige has come? I dreamt that you phoned me to tell me she was here and to send Mom to the hospital in her jim jams... You wanted to surprise her that our Gorgeous Saige had already made her debut. Mom of course was in full dress and makeup within seconds! I tried to convince her to put a robe on for you!!! Hopefully my dream is prophetic and we get to meet baby Saige soon......wishing you safe early delivery vibes linds! Before we know it I'll be cursing you because you'll look like this again and be so damned skinny and gorgeouso!!! Toot toot!
Woooooot, Oh yah you like that action mom....ooo as i slide it deep into FIRST POST BITCH!!!!!!, Well me and row are chilling and I love that pic of linds, She looks very relieved Anyhow love you all
Comment #1: Hopefully Saige arrives soon, before lindsey explodes.
Comment #2: Why does Todd blog more on this site than on his own?
Comment #3: Why do i care? His site has his wife hooking up with Trannies!
whoa, Pa called this am and I was SURE that it was cause Saige was being born...nope, he wanted to know why the van was back at the farm :/
Nice burns on Tig, Jay.
AND Mama looked lovely and composed in your dream...right?
Actually do in my dreams too but that is a whole other story.
Unca J is confused about the tranny, that would be Bro the trans and not sure who he is hooked up with. Pay attention son!!
Lindsey just stuck her head in the door and she is indeed still VERY pregnant with the beautiful Saige!
Can't wait either! But sooooooon very sooooon. Makenna and I did some awesome stencil work last night with which she has decorated my entire fridge. I tried to do a video for Maeve and Madigan this morning but 1. I am homely 2. Can't seem to figure out the voice thing. 3. that makes me both homely AND dumb 4. maybe i will try to get Makenna on it instead as I am totally sure both girls would enjoy that more!!
Love to everyone,
It would be great if your dream was a prediction of the future, but I don't think Saige will be here before the 17th. It IS only 12 days away though!!! You know I was wondering why you never posted that lovely picture of myself when you posted everyone elses beautiful pictures, but I didn't say anything in hope that you had forgotten about it! As for the way I will look after the baby, Saige has done alot more damage to me then Makenna did!!
is auntie e there yet?? I hope so and hope also that you are having a wonderful time. Erin do not use up all the fun before I get there!
Have an awesome time all of you!!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! because I doubt that we will be gettin many blog posts in the next lil while. But have so much fun that you don't care!
Love ya all
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