So we are a day late... my apologies!! Madigan was surprised to see the decorations up in honour of her birth! Maeve was over the moon! Madigan loved her new toys! Great fun was had, good times... there was a cake incident... it was awful but mended. Poor Madigan almost went cakeless! Maeve's tragic castle cake was made from scratch.. no cake mix.. i made it and it was great! Madigan's was this sponge cake mix I've never used before.. long story short sponge cakes RISE quite a bit... mad dash to ASDA to get a new cake mix and voila.. the best kitten cake we've ever eaten! (Cursive on cake is credited to the lovely Vashti Annie....Preening Kitten art curtesy of Michael George.) After candle blowage, the cake was placed infront of her highness... I'm fully expecting/hoping her to dive head first... would she ??? NO! She put her fingers in it a bit.. tasted it... then cried because her hands were mucky!!!! To add insult to injury she wouldn't even eat the cake! Madigan celebrated her first birthday with a bowl of plain mixed with raspberry organic yogurt!!!!
Thank you for all the cards and gifts. Auntie Erin, we LOVED the video message...if anyone ever wants to leave us a video message we would LOVE it! and we watch it over and over... or.. meow meow and meow meow!
first post BEOTCHES
hahah there now none of you can squabble.. I just wanted to explain the sign on Madigan's chair.. it says no smoking... came that way and I leave it on because I think it is hilarious! Carry on bitches
sounds like you had a great day. Even with the oopps'. You are so very talented mrs M. Your husband isn't have bad either. Hope you have a great weekend. Love Deb
Yah but I'm the first family member non-cheater to post.
so there.
Happy Birthday!!
Deb i am shocked and appalled that you would publicly admit that you have knowledge of knowing Michael 'isn't half bad'....well good friends can share those things I guess!
Madigan is truly a chip off the old block in that she doesn't like to be 'dirty' her Mother before her revelled in it but her lovely Grandmamaluvvy is very dainty and clean.
Looks like you had a great time and the cake is awesomely beautiful, even if not too tasty according to Madigan.
Love you
(out getting guarantors for the passport today)
Love you all
How awesome!
You guys are cake geniuses.
Looks like she had a fantabulishous day!
what a beautiful little girl!!!! happy birthday!!!!!!!
hope you are all doing well, we wish we could visit. lots of love chay chay and charli
So happy you guys all liked the crazy birthday message !! I though you'd get a laugh out of it.
See you soon....
Only 5 more sleeps !!!
WOW! I realized I never left a comment! Happy Birthday!
And the cake looks fantastic!! awesome kitty!! Athea says Meow Meow titty tat!
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