My god... I can't believe it has been 2 1/2 weeks already. Boohoo sniffle sniffle we just sent poor Auntie Erin off to the airport. I was crying, so was she... waaaaah I want my Erin back! Erins visit was fantastic. She unlike most fish and family did not start to smell bad after three days! Ok ok, so her feet smelled a bit as soon as she got here but we love her anyway! Maeve was a champ, dropped Auntie Erin off at Paddington Station big kisses and smooches and then as we drove away asked when Gramma Luvvy was coming! What a girl! Madigan got lots of squishes and kisses too! We are going to miss her ALOT! So.. I promised updated pics but you'll have to suffer through with what you get! Danica... I'll try to update more frequently seeing as you are sooo bored at work! I love you all and thanks for the 'polite' hints to update!
aww Auntie Erin it must have been so difficult to leave........but I hear that I am replacement and much excitement from Maeve!! Don't ya love the disloyalty!
Anyway I am glad that you were able to visit and I know that our Vashti (and possibly Michael) will miss you terribly and I can't replace that !
I love the pics and can't wait to snuggle those girls (and their Mama)
I understand Leamington Spa is the wettest place in England. Can't wait and will bring boots!
Love you all,
Hey second comment isnt that bad I guess.... Mom lives by her computer just to get first post, so I can say I have second post naturally...whilst living my high glamour lifestyle.
I'm gonna post auntie Erins blog address for all the family to harass her, maybe peer pressure will allow some posts from her, I'm SURE shes got lots of pics to share!
we'll all have to pitch in to get her a digital camera! this is the first year erin has had a PC at home!!
Aww that must have been so sad for Auntie Erin to leave. Good thing Gummaluvvy is coming to visit soon... sure wish someone would come to visit us :( But we don't have any cute babies, it's just boring ol' us here in OZ and I guess we are kind of really far away too.
hmmm a little robin bird did say that LSpa was the wettest place, but now I am thinking it is from all that crying not the rain.. =)
GL...Bring your boots.. but do not fill 'em the way Athea does.. fill em with cuddles, kisses, and grandma treats!!. (well and um tissues.. hee hee)
I am just a weepy when folks leave.. you should have seen me when you guys moved from the Bay Area to Van.. =)
Glad to see a new post!! Sure brightens the day. XO
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