We are all well, we are all good. We are all doing what good girls should! ha NOT! Maeve is quite possibly going to be a world leader of some sort at some time. She bosses us ALL around! Madigan is on the cusp of getting a break from the giant gnasher that is a wafer thin mint away from popping through finally. Poor Madigan has had the reddest bottom ever due to the aforementioned teething extravaganza. My mom is bringing me more desitin and boy can we sure use it!
The sleep countdown is on for Mom's visit. Maeve is very excited about showing her around the shops... well, toy stores to be more specific! I wont let my mom go too crazy, but isn't that what Gramma's & Grampas and Nannys and Nonies and Grans and all those old people are good for?
Here I am complaining about ole bossy boots and little miss red bottom and then I look over my shoulder and they are playing together and being sweet and good. If it wasn't for my toothicular injury I'd have to say my life is perfect!
Since this blog refused to update this afternoon, you all get our trick or treat blog on here too! Maeve requested to go out as a ballerina. I tried to fight her saying how cold it is outside and lost miserably. Soo, up to the wardrobe to find suitable ballerina wear. Maeve spotted her christmas dress and wanted to wear that one. After explaining that one is for xmas she spied a set of matching purple tutus.. good lord thanks Mom! So the girls were dressed as twin ballerinas and NOT because I forced them for a change! Seems Maeve must like it when Madigan dresses up like her! We trick or treated at our neighbours and then walked past probably 20 or so houses that are saving money on electric by sitting there in the dark!! We brought the girls to 3 houses and they were over the moon! Then Chris our neighbour sent all her grandkids over to us and Maeve was lets say, very generous, to the trick or treaters! All in all halloween was a nice treat, much more than I expected for jolly ole england since it is relatively new here!
Aww the girls look so cute. We missed Halloween last night, sitting at home watching the Halloween specials on tv, but no Halloween anywhere to be seen. I'm glad you guys had a good time. I can't wait til we have little ones of our own to dress up and take out trick or treating!
awww damn it, I was given insider info on the new post and talked to the informant so long that I missed first post!!!! arrrrgh
Love ya
Oh ya and the girls look totally AWESOME. See you on Saturday with the roasting pan!!
what kinda loot did they get, why isnt it spilled out on the floor? Why isn't there a picture of it...Man halloween sucks here, Nobody dressed up, no fake spider webs in the window shops, Sigh....Days like this I miss home where the children go around un-traumatised. Sigh its a crying shame.
How Halloweeen Adorable !!!!! My little nieces. Baby Jakes went as a pumpkin. Glad to see the Mussellam's keep another holiday alive !!!! GO team MUSSELLAM.
HAPPY HALLOWEEN you cute lavendar fairies!!
just some friendly advice... Hide the M&M's from your mommy!
haha all you haters can stop hating!!! for the record the only haul they got was 2 suckers, 2 oranges and white chocolate buttons! Not much loot so to speak. When they are older I'm going to have to enforce Moms age old, "you have 3 days to eat it or it goes in the trash" rule! love you all and miss you all too!
Cool Pumpkin. Even cuter girls. You both are very talented at producing such cute kids. Hope you enjoy your visit with your mom. Is your mom getting to put up the first post right from the same computer, right after you post. I think that would be considered cheating. Hope you have a great visit. Deb
No Deb I will apparently have to climb onto the roof of the house to get even onto the wireless computer in England. But I do notice that even when some of my kinder children give me a heads up, I still miss the first post.
awwwww such failure!
(three more sleeps girls!!)
oh and the verification letters are gummlo today ;)
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