So, we wanted to take Erin to StoneHenge.. well, I was ruled out... apparently Avesbury is where it is at! So here we are all crammed into a lovely "people carrier" which is what they cal vans here! Har har.. much fun... some motion sickness (the adults not the children). Avesbury is superior (I'm told) because Stonehenge is roped off and you can't even get very close to it. Here, as you can see you can get really close. Thank me later for not showing you all the sheep poop that is EVERYWHERE because sheep roam freely at this site! I'll keep up little posts with lots of pics so you can see what we did when Auntie was here. Poor Erin, we hardly did anything during the week! I'm usually lucky if I get a shower so I really should have accomplished something with her here helping.. nope.. I mostly just enjoyed my time with another adult!!!!
again Mama is first post!! I love the pictures and looks like you were all having lotsa fun.
Love you much,
mom has no life, yet she chooses to let us know about it on each 'first post'
fun! Michael looks like a lunatic...your laughing friend runs a close second.
Wow, that's totally cool.
Now you know the secrets of the isle...
Glad you had a fantastic time with Auntie Erin. SHe can be a handful... JJ. hahaha. Hope to be there soon as well.Who knows baby jakers and I might be visiting you soon!!!! :) Loves and hugs to you all Auntie Sara
is erin afraid of touching the rock?
She seems to be keeping quite the distance away frmo it...
paranoid vancouverites!
Wow looks like you had a great time with Auntie Erin! So many fun things to do and see over there.
I did not even know about Avesbury!
I feel like I am in the "KNOW" now.. =)
hey my word verification word was ztgfsperm.. well it was really ztgfspem.. but it really looked like sperm.. ha ha ha ha ha ha sperm.. =)
hahaha anna.. sperm on the mind much?
wahh mine was eronez... i miss erin already!!!
You guys sure must have had a great time with Erin. I guess you will go through a bit of withdrawal. Your girls must be very excited about their grandma coming over. We have spent a busy eventfilled weekend and early week with all our grandmas and aunties and uncle Robbie. Hope you are all doing well. Love Deb
Wow poor Vashti resorting to referring to erin as an adult, This is a woman that routinely challenges how many jellybeans will fit in her anus. So far 338, way to push the envelope. But I jest, I miss auntie erin with her viciously goodlooking sideglances and the only one that even comes close to magnum, You all are blue steels at best.
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