Hallo, here is another cheery happy post from clan m... haha forget it...today is poo! Girls were up at the CRACK of dawn ok 7:00am and if you are supermom Deb thats great.. but I'm not.. I'm morning cranky, can't we sleep in Mom Vashti! So, girls are doing ok so it can't be that bad... I've decided to take the girls to Leamington Baptist Church for a stay and play.. oooh how fun you say, well.. we made it as far as the bus stop.. waiting waiting... no bus... a lady, clearly in awe of my beauty.. or my children's, missteps the curb and totally wipes out. She is a bit older and a little on the heavy side and is in alot of pain. I went over to help her, got her trolley sorted and had her hobble over to the bus stop where there is a little fence that I sit on.. NOT an actual bench! Since the surgery is right there (clinic) I said, let me go check with them see if they have some ice or something.. the woman was totally mortified! So, I go to the surgery and out come 3 nurses with a wheelchair! I've never seen someone with a twisted ankle get up and run so fast in my life!! hahah turns out it hurt like a mofo but she'd rather hobble home than have to sit in a wheelchair and be fussed over... honestly, I'm sure I'd do the same thing! The nurses said, oh she'll just go home and have a cuppa..... now how the hell that fixes a sore ankle i'm not sure!
So, lady hobbled, nurses back to surgery us waiting for the bus. Ahhh yippee, here comes the bus.. good ole number 67! Bus stops, lowers down so the stroller fits on and there are two women on there with strollers already... means vashti has to walk her fat ass into town.. boo... I had counted on catching the bus so we would make the stay and play... well, looks like no stay and play for my girls.. instead we went to Sydni center and had lunch.. it was crap.. but the girl who made it was nice.. here are pics of the girls on the footie pitch outside the center.
Ok ok, so it wasn't that shitty of a day.. I'm just cranky because sometimes having to rely on the peds or the bus blows! Other than that we are healthy, happy and lucky compared to some of you other sons of bitches!! hahahahahahahhahaha For example. not that they are sons of bitches but my friend Lisa Doucette and her fam (ronan, liam & andy) are sitting in vancouve awaiting visa approval to head off to New Zealand... i know how that feels... and it must be one hell of a flight too.. they have a 4 hour layover in LA before flying to their final destination... man that sounds challenging to say the least! But.. as we are troopers we do what we have to... to those of us who have made a move.. be it a big move or little... a big fat WELL DONE to you! peace bitches
aww once again I am a first place bitch. Your day certainly sounds interesting if somewhat irritating to you. So they are off to NZ are they?? Wonder when and if that will be you. I will be throwing my fat ass under a bus if that happens.
The pics are great and Madigan is certainly looking tall !
Love you bunches
Oh my god I can't believe how big the girls are getting.. especially Madigan!!! I wish I could give them both a sqeeze!!
We miss you all
Judging from the amount of "bitches" used in today's posting, I can't wait to get off work... ;]
oh you are in for such a beating Michael!! Just don't be chewing gum when you get home from work!
And what are you doing checking the blog when you are at work.
(not that I do the same thing)
OMG Vashti, you make me laugh with your antics! any good Engliswoman knows a cuppa will fix anything at all...Poor you, things certainly aren't coming easy are they?? Think of it as some kind of test to your good spirit and humor. (maybe there really is a camera watching you at all times?)Michael you are a brave sod for commenting before you get home! The girls look awesome! We miss you guys bunches..talk to you soon I hope,
luv Jac n' robbie
Well looks like you should be packing your bags as there are a lot of moves OVERSEAS in your next few years. Nothing about babies jumps out to Kathy, who I might add, went home last night after a very stressful day, to run your charts for me!!! Anyway both of you have lots of moving around for the next 3.5 yrs alas.
Send money so I can visit you in New Zealand!!
tee hee
Love ya
I can empathize with you, having moved overseas ourselves, I have an idea of what you are going through. It's been almost 5 months in Australia and we are still patiently awaiting our work visas. I have been the unemployed housewife while Todd has been working illegally for all this time and we still have no medical plan. Thank God I don't have children that I have to try to take around with me too since we also do not have any mode of transportation other than our two feet. Anyways, we all have our bad days, but there are always better days to follow.
I can't believe how big the girls are getting! We miss you guys.
you didn't REALLY want to go to the church play group anyway... =)
you will find out later that everyone that went came down with Menengitis.. and since you did not have your poke/jab it could have been a disaster!!
GLuvvy.. I am working hard at trying to get these guys to a place where at least they will have friends to vent directly too. I hope it all comes together.. if it all works out I would feel aweful if you threw yourself under a bus... so please don't... =) I would love to see you again too =)
I for one can identify with the trials and tribulations of your day. I can say I had a bit of a meltdown today. Between Laundry, kids, Jay's kids, the phone, my kids, Emma, My kids, My kids, my kids. It has been a hell of a day. I am trying to eat without tonnes of sugar so that means there is not a lot of red wine involved but, after today, my last stop of groceries and london drugs was the liquor store to find something strong. I setteled on a case of beer and a 6 pack of ciders. I can't wait till they are cold. I know we all have bad days. But Booze can definitly help at the end of it. Miss you lots. Love ya, Deb
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