Ok, some translations. Funky Monkeys is an inside play area for children. Think padded cages filled with slides, balls and things to swing on/from. Maeve had a pretty good time.. she was soooo brave walking this big tightrope thingy! Madigan had her very first solo slide. I've never seen a child move down a slide so slowly clinging with her sticky little hands! Not sure if she loved it..she may have liked it who knows.. I'll have to wait until she is old enough to tell us the damage we ahve done! Saturday night we had dinner with our new good buddy Phil... or Fil as I call him and Feel as Maeve calls him. Another canuckle in jolly ole england. Fil brough over a board game for us to play.. his words "if you liked risk, you'll love this". Great game, fun was had.. blood has been spilled and Eric, we are dusting off the ole LOTR risk game this weekend if you'd care to fly in for the event!!!!
Now onto bimbling... to bimble i, as our newfound friend Fil explains, to wander around the countryside... well we bimbled the hell out of leamington today! Michael and I have ankles full of stinging nettles to prove it. Neil was the only clever one wearing long 'trousers' not 'pants'. It was so offroaded bimbling that the offspring had to be removed from the stroller before handing it off to be lifted over various obstacles on our journey. The end result was great tho, 2 hours of bushwacking brought us to a very lovely picnicky area. We had a snack, the girls and I wandered into the frigid fjord.. yes thats right a fjord...we saw some great totoro trees.. Maeve picked a shwack of acorns.. Maeve and Fil had a fantastic sword fight with very long and dangerous sticks.. Michael and Maeve also fought valiantly... It was a great weekend... now I'm so tired from bimbling I best hobble to bed!
i don't want to play risk with you guys anymore. i want to play the new better game. whatever it is. i will bring grandpa ted along. he can be on vashti's team. OK?
Bimbing eh? Sounds more like something you invented rather than something that is an actuality.
Great pics tho!
get on msn!
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