Hi everyone! Long time I know I know.. anyway, sorry I'm such a sporadic blogger. These days life is zooming past me and I haven't had a second to myself, let alone a moment to update one and all on the goings ons! Well, this weekend, super uneventful! We did some gardening.... I did a wickid kid'n'play haircut on our giant rosemary bush (think house party). Michael wrapped our passion fruit vine all around the pergola (take that Mr Reynolds) and Maeve watered everything that was in sight including the neighbours driveway! Madigan snoozed while we tended the garden as she is a menace to all things green/growing! Life is chugging along here pretty smoothly... well, as smoothly as missing three grand USD can be! Talk about nail biting! And the thing that sucks is we've had to do another wire!! hahahaha the bank dude assures me that it will go through this time! I say ya right but since I'm a sucker and we don't have someone to dump batches of money we'll have to stick to wires.. for whatever reason XE trade doesn't do UK! Bitches!!! So, today poor ole Madigan had an appointment for a meningitis poke.. jab or stick as they call it here. I gave the poor darling some tylenol before her appt and walked a block to the surgery (clinic). After we get there and wait we are seen by the nurse.. well darling Madigan is doing ok, Maeve has turned green and wont take her hands off her ears... Maeve is almost in a state of panic and no talk of pokes or pokers are visible. Poor Maeve, she is so empathetic. After talking to the nurse we discover that Madigan isn't actually old enough so today she shall go poke free!! I of course will go to jail for medicating her for no reason! hahah.. Maeve is now less green but we have to go back in 3 weeks to get the jab we didn't get today! Madigan and Maeve both continue to love music. The little piano that Auntie sara bough AGES ago is a top favorite. It plays lots of music but doesn't sing. One of the ones it does is "if you are happy and you know it". Whenever it comes on Madigan makes sure someone is looking at her before clapping along at the "clap your hands" part! Madigan also knows the actions to itsy bitsy, open shut them, 123... Madigan is doing more talking... hell if I know what she is saying but she does have quite a few actual words! Madigan is known around our neck of the woods for her fabulous knock knock jokes... the joke is she just keeps saying "knock, knock" while knocking with her hand.. and the funny part comes when you say, "who is there" and she will say knock knock forever! The great news is she never tires of it... we can go back and forth for hours!! hahahah she is funny that girl! Maeve is always in high heels now... in vancouver she wore them a bit (just the plastic dress uppy ones) but we had hardwood floors so they were a bit slippy.. well n ow we have carpet and she runs in them.... it is hilarious! Such an accomplished fashionista! Auntie Erin will be so proud!
i guess childrens tylenol is probably better than Uzo - it just doesnt taste quite the same!
y'all look great (especially that sexy manwhore of yours!)
We miss you. Actually, its probably the girls we miss the most. :-)
unkaJ & NTBar
I also miss you and would like to congratulate Unca J and NTbar on being the first post bitch(es) and not even gloating about it!!
I love the pic of Michael and Maeve. You can certainly see the genes in that one! Madigan sounds hilarious and I am sure she actually does the 'knock knock' thing but certainly never when I have been on the phone. The first of many times that she will make a liar out of her Mama!
Love you and miss you
Arrrgh... wall of text is hurting my eyes... please find return button for paragraph breaks.
Of course it's Ken who's bitchin!
I didn't want to know this but Maeve seems to have Moose's nostrils!
You lucky woman you have beautiful kids.(your husband isn't bad either,for a married guy.) Maggie has her 1st b-day on thursday. It will be a busy one. Work and all. Sounds like you are quite the green thumbs now. Does that happen when you land in the uk? Do other things happen too? I believe that there is a saying about English Men. I'm not shur, But, I believe it had sommething to do with NOt really enjoying the bedroom pleasures. Hope that that isn't true for you. Have a good one. Deb
WOW, Given you up for dead, not like us who post thrice weekly, But then again we don't have 2 adorable girls, all we have is each other, and mountains and mountains of SPARE TIME AHAHHAHAHHAAAAAAAAA, although rowena has been throwing up alot, but then she usually does after sex.
Love you all
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww unca tig!
Thanks for the phone call today! Glad you are liking the books.
Sorry, I lied but you COULD have been a telemarketer :)
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww unca tig!
hahahaha... way too much info Uncle Tigger!!!! Wow, I miss a day and there are new pics and 8, count em, 8 new posts!! life in jolly ol' looks good guys! thanks for the update. Miss you guys... luv ya, Jac/Rob
ha ha Tig, here I was thinking Rowena would only throw up at the thought of having sex for you.. what a champ you are Rowena!
hmmm throwing up hints.. hmnnnn pregnancy.. hey mom, ask kathy what she thinks!!!
and for whom shall I enquire about? You or Wee? If in fact you were preggers, then you would have a diamond baby!! and so far all of the stones have been only semi precious although beautiful. I would be so envious of a diamond as I tried so many times and only built myself up to an emerald!!
LOL you have tricked me one to many times my girl!!
(not that I don't have a total knot in my stomach in anticipation of you telling me that I am an old fool.....yet AGAIN)
I will never learn!
Love ya though
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