So, like the title says, one more sleep until our things get here. hahahaha ya right, Michael and I are still opting for the "wait and see" attitude!
So, this weekend was great. We didn't do too much on saturday. Walked around town, had coffee, went to the library. Pretty much the same things we do every weekend! We did see a wedding party having their pictures taken in the park. The whole wedding party, guests and all walked through the park following a bag piper. It was pretty cool. Sunday we hit Kenilworth Castle again. Lots of fun. This time we went into the castle and saw the residence part. See picture of two small girls at giant wooden door picture! it was pretty neat, there was a family lifving in the castle up until 1930's. The ornate woodwork is amazing... would have taken some pics but I'm pretty sure we were the only ones that abided by the 'no photography, pushchairs or dog" rules posted just before entering! The best part about going to the castle for Michael was exploring it and taking pictures.. the most exciting part for me was having scones with strawberry jam and clotted cream!!! hahahahahah Some things never change! I used to blame my love of all things whipped cream on being pregnant... well after chatting with the folks at the table next to us at tea, I can now blame the love of all things whipped and creamy on my irish ancestry... Mom, we are Irish -ish right? The lady and gentleman LOVED Maeve & Madigans names.. said they were 'right good irish names, aren't they'! The both proceeded to fall in love with Madigan each trying to get the easily given cheeky smiles from her! The man kept saying, 'you've got a cracking smile there dontchya'... cracking means great here!!!
Hey vashti and clan,this pose look's alot like gummaluvietc.supervising our unruley co- workers.ps she will most likely correct my spelling.
gummas partner in crime
aww Yes I will be correcting her spelling but ya get the general drift! Yes we are irish-ish and the other bit scots so we are dumpy and have a vicious temper!! Looks to me that Madigan is giving up on the 'pretending not to walk' thing now.
I must start walking immediately so that I can keep up when I eventually do get there! I will be the old lady expiring on the bench somewhere!
Love ya all
i always figured the way you could tell our nationality was by the fact that we like to drink - we just dont like to pay for it!
Good one UncaJ!! I am keeping everything that can cross, crossed that your stuff finally arrived today! It is a testament to your wonderfulness that you have done all of this without complaint !
We will drink a toast to the stalwart Mussellams (well, if we can find someone to pay for it that is!!
Love ya all
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