So, she has done it. Our precious tiny little baby has grown up.... believe that I'll be saying that at every birthday!! Yesterday was filled with fun. Lots of Maeve's friends and family phoned and sang happy birthday. Auntie Erin (as always) was awesome in her video message that she sent for Maeve. Both of the girls LOVED it! When Maeve woke up she seemed surprised, then quickly informed us that it was infact her birthday! She also told us she doesn't get a soother anymore... more on that one later!!! We phoned our dear Auntie Sara and wished her a lovely birthday. She has just moved with her husband brad and baby jakers, to Montreal. They had just gotten there last week and are still unpacking.. I know the feeling! So, big birthday wishes for Sara and my admiration for another family who has a big move with a wee one. Good job jakers, come see Auntie Vashti soon, she loves you the best anyway!
So, yesterday Maeve spent most of her time in and out of her gown. She sang with her microphone/cd player, opened ALL of the stickers, read/played her princess's book over and over, carried her purse and tried on her snappy tartan blazer. She'll be wearing one of the millions of gorgeous tops she received as gifts today! So onto the sootherness. Maeve sacrificed two soothers last night and I'm hoping (michael really) we can remove the last one tonight.. She is a big girl and doesn't need it but boy does she love her soothers! But then, I think aobut how early Maeve stopped wearing diapers, kicked the bottle habit, then te sippy cup habit... and the fact that she hasn't worn a nighttime diaper since well before we came to Jolly Ole.. and think, maybe she can hang on to this one last vice... I somehow suspect that the way to kick the soothers is for the house to go cold turkey and poor poor Madigan!
Happy Birthday to Maeve and a huge fat "FIRST POST BITCHES TO YOU ALL" SUCK WHAT GOD GAVE MEEEEEE!,(this is uncle tig in case your wondering) Yay maevealicious you look like an empress in that dress of all, and your loyal subjects bow down before ye. Awww I wish me and row could be there to partake in the cake
Love uncle tiggy and auntie rowboweeeena
Not to be rude and point it out but Tig, you have like a 19 hour headstart on everyone else! But at least you being our loyal first poster gives us something to bug you about instead of the same ole same ole you being a big homo!!
really, for me its just a great excuse to say "bitches"
Maeve is so beautiful both in and out of her princess dress!! I am glad she had such a good birthday and was able to hear the bad renditions of HB sung by many!
I love you all so much.
Yours is Next Madigan!!
aww I hope she gets to keep her soother for a bit yet.
Love to you all
Maeve, holy cow you are the most beautiful princess IN THE WORLD.
Happy Birthday big girl. If a soother is your only vice, nice work. Wish I could say the same:)
God, Todd has to stop posting under weiners name cause it really weirds me out with reading comments, thinking shes morphed into the uhh, special case that Todd has always been.
Perhaps I have morphed into a female special case of Todd.
Oh Maeve you look absolutely georgous !!! You in deed are the most beautiful Princess of all...of course your little sister is becoming quite the little Princess too !!
I love you all very much...
See you all soon...only 14 more sleeps !!!
Auntie Erin
--- P.S -- Seventh is the new 1st !
Well I guess the Doucettes beat me the new 1st....what to go Doucettes !!!
And Vashti that looks like an awesome cake.....yummy I LOVE cake!
Auntie Erin
Great Cake you guys!!
you have experienced the terrible 2's.. well the 3's woooo weeeee look out!! (hee hee)
Erin can't count she is so excited about her visit to the two princesses in her life!!
Yes I agree with the beautiful princess part too!
the dress is awesome but no more than the child in it!!
Love you all
Aww Maeve looks so sweet in all her princess garb. A very happy Birthday wish to such a beautiful little girl. Wow, she's three!!!
Glad all is well over there.
Miss you all
Robyn and Siobhan
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