Swiper no swipin'! I totally robbed my Mom of these gem pics. Classic Maeve on the bus being quite gorgeous and Madigan who is also gorgeous, seemingly thrilled about books! We are all having fun round here still. I got to sleep in! Well, I was up at 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 and 9! My Mom managed the girls for the last 3 hour naps! I am beat! Tomorrow I have a dentist appt and my Mama is going to watch the girls. I think I am going to see if I can get some sort of massage booked in too. I think I need a team of Swedish folk to pound all the aches out of my body! We are releasing my Mom back to the wilds of Canada on friday. She will be taking the train into London Solo. She will also be sightseeing all of London by her little ole self! I feel like a jerk for sending her off into London on her own, but we can't make it in with her this time! I wonder if she'll bring the roasting pan with her!!! I am very proud of my Mom for wanting to do it all for herself, if our positions were reversed I'm not sure I'd want to! We found a really great tour system here called Hop Off Hop On. Its an open air double decker bus that goes to all of the touristy sights. You can spend 5 mins at each or hours really. www.citysightseeing.co.uk It is pretty cool and if you come to visit us we might force you on one!
Whoa, so should we expect EVER to see our mom again?
miss maeve & miss madigan are sooo cute. i sure miss them.
your mom rules! my mom can't even figue out how to CALL me here (seriously). you go gummaluvvy!
Aww super duper cute pics of the girls.
I saw a travel show on tv about that hop on hop off bus thing, great idea. We will definately do that when we go visit London (if they still have it by the time we make it over there).
We have one of those hop-on / hop-off buses in Vancouver! If you visit, I will take you on one :)
*chants* more video! more video! more video!
this is a link to some online shopping for the UK. Should save on some shipping expenses and time for those of you that will be buying my neices some pretty baubles.
Lisa if you will finance me I would totally be a standin for your Mama!! What she lacks in telephone skills she made up for by producing YOU!!!
tee hee
thanks for the comments Lisa!
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