Here are yesterday's pics of the bump'n'bounce. Fun was had, balls were thrown, slides were slid. For almost all parts and purposes a wonderful time. Oh, except for the 3 1/2 year old who, shrieked, fed Madigan, bossed my mother around and capped off a wonderful bump'n'bounce session by saying, "F@$% that" to his mother who for the FIRST time in an hour did something about his behaviour! Ahhhhh England!!
Oh, and to all mom's co workers. I'll get the pic of her and the roaster before she leaves.
So thanksgiving has been and gone but I'd really like to tell everyone what I am most thankful for. My family. I love each and every one of you and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Even if you are all far away! We talk about everyone, and in a good way not gossipy way every day! I am so lucky that Erin has already been to visit, my Mom is here now and Sara is going to be here on the 21 of Nov with baby jakers. I am so incredibly lucky that I have people that love us so much they are willing to spend thousands of dollars to fly thousands of miles to just be with us. Even though we are far away you are all such a huge part of our lives. So, for my big famdamily, I am thankful!
Awww Vashti, that was a lovely blog. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder...and the XXXX grow longer? whoops, sorry flashback to those rude songs of my youth!
I think about you guys there with the Great GL everyday..
luv to all, can't wait to hear all the stories when GL is back in the colony!
luv Jac
Does it show that I work in special ed?
haha its not the absence that makes my heart grow fonder jac, its having them here!! i've got openings from dec 5 and on! come one come all!
None of us can stay away....it is like you have some sort of power over us all !!! strange !!
The Clan Mussellam's are such a wonderful, delightful family and we over here in Canada are so very proud of you all.
Love you all very much and miss you everyday.
We'd come to visit. But, I don't think we're cool enough:)
You're family is amazing Mussellams. I'd envy, if I didn't already live with all of Ken's.:)
GummaL's co-worker's were wunderin where the pics of GummaL "Bumpin N"Bouncin were????
we were also curious how it long took GL to convince customs that her passport photo was not a potential
terrorist!but herself?
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