hallo everyone! We are doing well here. GrammaLuvvy seems to be having fun! I got to sleep in until 9:30 this am! What a treat!! Poor GrammaLuvvy has to bunk up with Madigan! Fortunately Madigan only gets up once a night at 4am to nurse! Unfortunately Grammaluvvy cannot nurse so that means I have to! hahah So today we took GL on her very first PINK double decker bus! We didn't do too much tho, just wandered around town and took the girls to a place called "Bump'n'Bounce" It was pretty cool, would have been cooler if I could have dropped them off and had someone else watch her while I had a coffee.. Oh well, a girl can dream!!! Gramma luvvy was suckered into getting Maeve a cinderella barbie! Note Danica and I never had barbies when we were little! Harumph! Madigan got a toy too because we are nothing if not equal! Maeve of course now loves Madigan's more than hers!! ahha well, michael has just gotten home from work and I better get dinner on the table!
love to all,
you may notice in one pic that is my new living room pose, oh ya i'm rockin' it!
I'm happy to hear that you are having a good time over there with GL. She looks very happy to be with the girls in the photos. It must be nice for you to have GL there with you and the family :) How great it must be to be able to sleep in!
glad to see gummaL made it safe and sound! but did the roaster(with lid) survive the journey? enjoy your visit GL.
Hello, Hello! I am so happy to see you gals all together!!
Sure looks like fun!
Barbie dolls.. they are so much fun with so many little pieces to pick up! *grin*
But I am finding Barbie is way better than a Polly Pocket.. that toy is a freaking nightmare to clean up after!!
Well, it is nice your mom made it safe and sound. You guys will have have and it will go so quickly you won't be belive it is time for her to leave. Maybe you will be able to convince her to stay and Help out. Who knew Barbies were so fun. Our girls cant; get enough of them. However, most times the barbies lose all thier clothes and become the Naked things that lie on our floor and coffee table. And thier hair always looks good especially after you brush it with a brush and use some elastics to "Make it beautiful!!!!".. Have a great time with your mom. We shall miss you at the pinata party. Deb
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