Hi gang! Well, here we all are in jolly old england. The weather has been really nice lately. Yesterday we walked into town in the afternoon looked around and then headed home. It was fishn'chips tuesday so Daddy picked up dinner! I love fishn'chip tuesday b3ecause I dont' have to cook! Tonight was bathnight and this is the result... too cute for words! We love Jacob Barry George Wingfield...oh and his Mommy is ok too
First Post!!!
We were sorta hoping to see some pics of his mom in the bath, but they must be on a different blog.
they all look cute, especially the one in the back!
thanks for the post, talk to you on Sunday
Damn - forgot to put a name on that!
we knew it was you uncaj because you show much preferance to your clone!!
They look healthy and happy and clean too.
love you all
Oh how cute. Hope you are all having fun on your vacation. You both have such very cute kids. I like the stratigically placed bubbles. Well done. Have a great day. Deb
dooood clean your tub!!
Its so indignant!! You have three crawly things living in there!
How adorable are they !!
I can just see Dad right now.... he's got his paper all loaded in the print getin' ready print this pic out for sure.
Looks like many many pictures the Mussellam kids all have in there baby photo albums.
Love it guys.....yah and all of you too !!
sooo cute you guys! Jacob is a sweetie too, God how can there be so many beautiful babies in one family? So glad Aunty Sara is there to share the fun! We are SNOWED IN!! Had a day off school today (never happened since the big storm of '75) god does that make me sound like an ol'timer! winter wonderland up here, and I am stuck in a tiny house with a bored and cranky PA...help me..help me..he l p m e ...
oh yeah, it's me, Gogo!
That picture reminds me of one with me, my sister and brother in the tub when were little wee ones. They all look so cute.
hey ya dweeb it is not crumpets it is scones with clotted cream and lemon curd!!!
I am attempting to lose all the clotted cream residue as we speak.
love ya though
Preschool....wow...that is so great for you Vashti. Maeve will love it I'm sure. I bet she wakes up every morning and says.. "can I go to school today ???" How exciting !!!
Luvs to you all
I like the rock star hair! Very cute! Maeve and Madigan where is your doooo?? Athea and Haidyn are into getting unicorn horns at the moment...
We love bath time photos.. It is a easy way to contain the babes and get some photos together!
Plus it is usually something that they love!!!
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