This weekend, Sara met the infamous Fil. He lead us on a very.... exciting? bimble. It was a gorgeous day.. the sun was shining, the breeze was blowing and it was crisp. We ambled out with Jakers on Sara's back, Madigan on my back and Michael pushing Maeve in the all terrain buggy. Neil and Fil were left to carry their own sorry hides altho we did offer Neil a ride in the stroller! Well we walked and talked and had lots of fun until... duh duh duhhhhhhh our bimble home was obstructed by a 'creek' that has grown substantially thanks to all the rain. Fil lead us bravely to where there should have been some sort of bridge or safe crossing. Sadly, this was not to be. Much head scratching and plan making brought us to the new plan. New plan was to climb over crumbling fence surrounded by briars! Awesome you say? Why yes.. as Jakers and Maeve were asleep. I wish I had taken pictures of us unstrapping sleeping children, passing them over briar fence, then hauling our buns over with Fil to guide us/balance us across. Then of course there was the stroller.. ahh the joy.. Michael, Neil and Fil all took one for the team getting muddy and soggy to get that darned thing across! Merrily we sloshed through several farmer's penned in fields, scaled a few more fences and finally made it to the bridge to cross the torrent that was the creek! Home again home again jiggety jigg where many beers we did swigget swig.. well, the adults not the children!

Pics are from our day saturday wandering around Leamington Spa. I am aware that I put a less than flattering picture of myself on the blog with my eyes closed and looking very 'retired' as Borat would say, but pics of all of us as a fam are few and far between! I put the last one of Madigan in there to prove she isn't carried all the time!!!!
Looks like you picked up two extra children on the bridge!!
I had to look at the picture of Michael several times to ascertain he was not looking 'shocked' with his mouth being a dark 'o' until I could see that he was just showing off his new shave job. Perhaps it is only me that sees it but do have a look.
Vashti you look awesome!
You look quite rosy and happy so the pictures must have been taken at the beginning of the 'bimble' and not the end of the 'bumble'.
MADIGAN SAID 'I LOVE YOU!' to me on the phone today!!!!!!!!!
I am thrilled.
Love to all,
oh pardon me two errors in my comment(what a shock) One there is only one extra child in the photo on the bridge and two FIRST POST RIGHTS!!!!
You guys are the most adventurous clan ever! Sounds cool. But, about this Fil guy...:)
Looks like your neverending (I say that only out of envy) rounds of company are having the times of their lives with you happy, smiley people.
Love the girls in their outfits. Maeve and Mhari seem to both love their dresses over jeans combos.
damn it, blogger is being a bastard...Michael you are weird.
Aww you guys all look great! Sounds like you are having fun times bimbling around Leamington Spa.
unca tig Madigan's WORDS of the day were I LOVE YOU ...yes said to me on the phone ( I know that you could just read my comment again but I love saying it)
love you
WHY Michael ?!?!?!?
Every time !!!!
You are so silly. But I did have a good chuckle at your 70's Saturday Night Fever pose.
You all look like you are havin' fun.....wish I was there to bimble too.
Wow, What fun. You guys look great. Very Healthy. We have spent the day digging out. I am apparently having sick days today and tomorrow because we have some much snow it isn't evern funny. It is up to my knees. Not that I am all that tall but snowmoblile boots are pretty tall and it is coming over the top. SNOW DAY. Hope you all stay safe. Love Deb
Howdy doo.. I love the orange and black coat Vashti.. is it MT EQUIP CO?? I miss that store.. you Canadians sure know how to make outdoor bimbling clothing and gear!
Maybe they should change the name to Bimbling Equipment Co.. hmmmm
Thanks for the SUNDAY/Monday Call!! It sure made my day!
GLUV We love you too! =)
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