Vintage Madigan pic today. Poor thing, got jabs in both legs. Boo.. She did really well and the nurse was both stunned and thrilled that Madigan still nurses. She said we were doing excellent and that it was great to see an older baby who still nurses. Needless to say, I was a little chuffed! So nice to have someone think I'm doing the right thing for a change!!! Everyone else here seems to think I"m a moron for letting my youngest a)go without a harness b)feed herself c) get down and walk around only occasionally snacking on the odd cigarette butt! I shouldn't complain as both Maeve and Madigan have now sampled cigarette butts. Most of the people around here feel that it is completely natural to lure their child into a push chair (stroller) with sugar dipped marshmallow whips.. even when the child says NO!!! Anyway, things could be worse than ciggy butts... Anna always has a story to put my gripes in perspective!!
Today Mom cracked out the maple syrup, brown sugar, butter and all the things that make wickid cinnamon buns. Maeve also got to participate. The buns are great but not the same.. boo.. but trust me, I'll eat almost all 50 of them myself! Tomorrow we are going to wait and see what the weather is like but I think we'll be heading in to Jephson Gardens and showing GrammaLuvvy the Baths that made Leamington the Spa it is today!
I miss the cinnamon buns.
Madigoob can nurse till shes thirty!! your baby, your rules!
Madigan, you are so gorgeous...and Vashti you are supermom!
Seriously, between you and Anna, I just hide in my cave:)
third post...
I watched this on Oprah today...Keep this link for when I have babies,it was pretty great
Thank you so much for the phone call. We loved it. We had a great party and lots of fun. Auntie Erin writes the funniest posts ever. AND she is right I do make the ugliest cakes ever. They kind of look like a great big animal pooped out pink and green poops with sprinkles. Thanks again for thinking of us and We shall post some pics shortly. LoveDeb
Lisa has better stories.. hers totally top mine!!
Cig butts just do not compare!
You are a fantastice Mom and I totally admire you and the way you raise your beautiful family!
It was nice talking today.. sorry I did not get to say good bye.. I had to dash to pack Haidyn's lunch.. which is difficult to do when all you have in the house is sugar coated whips... =)
Love ya!
One of the many things that I admire about you Vashti is that you stick to your guns and do your own thang. And when those English kids' teeth are turning brown and falling out from the sugar whips and their leg muscles have atrofied (sp?) from lack of excercise you can laugh a hearty belly laugh.
hhhm cinnamon buns !!! Just read the "Fudgetastic" post. THanks can't wait for some good ole english fudge, and I've heard of some wonderful place with row upon row of chocolate . Could it be possible say it isn't so. Oh I forgot how much the english love there sweets !!!! Don't tell Daddy or baby Jakers though.
I had to show Brad my secret stash of chocolate lastnight he wanted something sweet and since he was hurting from the surgery I made an executive decision. (Unfortunately not only will it stick to my thighs, it also might bite me in the ass) He was in disbelief... thats all I have to say about that !!!
Dearest Vashti et family
You are not alone in nursing - I still nurse Giselle and she is 19m!
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