Table for one? The girls sharing a treat and some sweetness. They are the cutest sweetest little girls who are rarely, if ever photographed wearing pants!!!
hahaha crappy phone pictures again but it was all that i had handy. and on my phone they actually did connect on that incredibly sweet kiss!
Dude, is it possible?
First post, suckas!
Those are two of the cutest sisters ever!!!
How sweet they are!
Ken, Robin and Mhari
Aww they are so absolutely adorable together!!
Aww that is pretty cute, could be overload, what are they eating? Are they always such good sisters? I recall our siblings being not so diplomatic and that suplexing one another to obtain all of the sweetness was a common theme.
miss maeve and miss madigan are too cute. it warms the heart to see the forever-bond of siblings forming...
i will call you soon vashti- i am a bizzy bee (mostly driving) now with ronan's new kindy/tuatara schedule.
sweet, sweet,sweet!
Have a fabulous trip to London town you guys! What well travelled babies you have already. Take lots and lots of pics and keep us entertained... have a cornish pasty and a shandi for me..yeah I know, gross, but I was 13 and thought I was cool...omg that was almost 35 years ago..have to go kill myself now, seems like, well 0nly 20 years ago!
luv n stuff, jacqui a gogo
What beautiful precious little/big girls you have. I miss them SO much. And you and Michael too...
Aww cute~!! Thank you for the colored page Maeve, and the letter too!! I got mine two daYS AGO and mom got hers yesterday!
The snowman is on the fridge as we speak!
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