Happy Valentines day everyone!! Michael got the girls and I beautiful roses! Granny Gracie sent two big GORGEOUS cards!! Gramma Mimi sent the girls each an adorable card and our good buddy Milo sent the girls a card and a pink 'cutie' bracelet! That Milo has a bracelet for all occasions! Thanks so much everyone!! Today is pretty low key. Madigan was up ALL night. Every hour on the hour. She has been running a fever for the last 2 days. She has alot of drool so I was inclined to think it was teething related but.. its been going on for a bit and now seems a bit worse. I know that fevers are the bodies way of creating an inhospitable environment for bugs so I'm watching her really closely while she rides it out. Poor thing. It sucks being sick. So, we are just going to have a nice quiet dinner and maybe watch chitty chitty bang bang for the 10,000th time! Hope everyone's valentines day is better than ours!
WHOOO HOO FIRST POST!!!!! Happy Valentines to you all. Have a good one. Take care Deb
Man, I just got so excited I had to post a second comment. Hope your baby feels better soon. I always feel so bad for the little munchkins when they are sick. Especially when you can't do anything to help them feel better. Hope you have a great day. Deb
Happy V-D from the isle of van!
Hope you feel better goobs!
Big kisses and hugs to you all.
so sorry to hear madigan is sickipoo. good work on the roses michael! we exchanged cards and luckily andy remembered to get the boys some! andy is working late most every night, so i didn't even get to see my husband on valentine's day!
HAPPY HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU ALL !! I love you all VERY VERY much and miss you all terribly.
Feel better soon Miss Madigan.... push those teeth out....way out !!!
Hope Madigan is on the mend and that your VDay ended up as lovely as you guys are!
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