A lot of excitment around here this week. Vashti made awesome sushi and then it snowed. Hurray!
Ok, here's some pics:
In this first one Maeve and I were wandering around the wilds of the Midlands and I stopped to take her picture. You can imagine my surprise when I got the film back and there were these four "abominable snowmen" in the picture! I swear I didn't see them when I was taking the picture! Maeve was acting scared at the time, but I thought she just had gas. Oops.
Madigan wasn't impressed with my slick fathering skills either (I accidently left her at home surrounded by these glowy, floaty things):
Sheesh you just can't please girls nowadays. OK, enough about how rotten the kids are (I blame the toonie, yes the 2$ coin, for their naughty ways). Bah, onto more important things: food! Here's a sweet shot of the homemaid sushi!
Wait a minute, how did these girls get in the pictres again? Now that I think about it, I don't remember taking pictures of the girls at all...
Father of the Year Nominee, Michael
first post
MEWHAHAHAH MOM IS TOO BUSY READING THE POST TO GET FIRST POST, I doubt she even noticed I snuck into the room to steal this
rotfl Michael!! You started my morning out very well with your lack of 'fathering' skills!
Sushi looks good enough to eat!
Love ya
Looks like she didn't notice...
Thanks Ev, I do so try not.
Awesome looking Sushi!!! How come you didn't make that for us when we came to visit !!!! How ruude !!!Ha at first I though it was Vashti writing but as I read along the light bulb went off in my head. Oh it must be Michael! ahahha. Good post michael and i think you'll be a shoe in for Father of the Year.
Great job Michael !!! Finally you are doing something and are alive !
The look on poor Maeve's face with the snowmen...she looks terrified amd VERY upset !!!
I think those glowing orbs are actually ghosts...aren't they ?? Well at least that is what they say in the movies....maybe Madigan see's dead people !!
Sushi looks AWESOME...great job Vashti....I can't wait to come back to visit and enjoy it.
Love Madigan's lose job !!
Auntie Erin
** bloggers being a beotch today **
a leamington spa roll anyone? (fish and chips with a hint of newcastle drizzled on the sushi rice). good job on the sushi vashti, it looks yummy!
nice job on the post michael! it is nice to hear your "voice" too. lots of mysterious and somewhat eerie things happen when you are in charge, eh? what's this rant about toonies about anywho?
i miss you guys and wish we could visit you or you could visit us.
Hey Michael is alive and well and being cheeky in LS! Great shots Michael, the girls and the sushi look great. Need a family shot one of these days when you can set it up!
SNOW! that is a fun side effect of global warming and wierd weather patterns...keep on having fun!
luv Jac
Hi All, wow looks chilly micheal are you mixing lsd into your wasabi again cause your post is strange and this is todd talking, wow that sushi does look amazing, Is it big in england? no not micheals spicy pork roll, sushi!, anyhow the kids look great and have all of their original limbs so good on ya mate,
Well ta for now.
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