Today we decorated cookies. Yes they are discount cookies, yes they are from xmas. Anyway, here is the deal. The girls were allowed to decorate their own cookie after eating dinner. Well Miss Angrypants Beatrice Mussellam was not having our usual, one more then no more rule. (Adopted from the very clever Reynolds family). So, she screamed.. she cried.. she drooled... then went without. Here is the pic of Maeve with her completed cookie. Here is a pic of Madigan crying (how unusual) and of the offending noodle! Hahahaha life is grand! All this tells me that my girls wont be pushovers when they grow up! Even when it is totally frustrating and she/they are screaming I have to turn my head and smile. I am so proud of my stubborn mule-ish children! They have the strong healthy and respectable stubborn traits in adults but sometimes not so much in children! So god love'em.. they drive me crazy but make me so proud!

what a good mom you are Vashti! wise to see the beauty of a stubborn streak...I have no doubt that your girls will be strong and stand up for themselves in life!
I like the 'one more then no more' I think I'll use that with Papa Robbie! let ya know how it works...FIRST POST FINALLY!
luv Jac
oh my goodness little madigoober don't be angry !!! You have your whole life to be angry as an adult!! Especially at your mother cause we all know it all stems from your mother !!! hahahaha Beautiful cookie ZMaevie says jakerS. wISH WE were there to make cookies with u. loves
OH the macaroni and Ketchup is so MUSSELLAM-ESK. Yes, It is good to be proud of those little farts that push every button and boundry that there is. Today while in Extra foods, Emma had the meltdown of meltdowns because of being told she had to stay by me or go into the buggy. There was a 3 stike rule in play and she pushed it. Into the buggy she went and meltdown to follow. Corrina just looked at her and gave her a look. I just continued on and when she finally calmed down we discussed the fact that if she is going to freak out like someone is killing her, go ahead. It doesn't bother me. You only embarrass yourself. A 3 minute timeout followed and she was good as gold when we went to the library and the others had their moments. IT is all a balance, sometimes the balance is a little teetered to one side but eventually it comes down to rest. I think you are doing a great job. Those stubborn moments just go to prove how no one will be able to push them around when they get older and less likely to fold to peer pressure. It is a hard one to fight in the moment. Hey, Former Chez mussellam is on the market for 479,000. Sarah was curious. Have a great Sunday> luv Deb
oh and I forgot to comment on the cake. Now was that royal icing? hmm i wonder! I assume it was a vanilla/yellow cake, mmm i sure do like those.
And talk about having your cake and eating it too !!Hello almost 1/2 a mil for the house!!!!! Ya right buddy, good luck selling!
Fiesty women are the best kinda women.
You're raising 'em right, baby!
Mmm look at all those yummy goodies. I think I would have thrown a tantrum too if I couldn't have more of those delicious looking cookies. Oh wait, haha that seems to be a regular occurance for me here.
Thanks for the happy birthday post you guys! We wish you could be here too.
Mak sure did luuurve the post!! Dont worry goober, they're stale anyways!
They rule, you rule. I love my boys' independence too and it simultaneously drives me absolutely batty.
i love to read your blog, you are so funny and are so good at describing moments so vividly.
Hey Perhaps the cuisine was not up to ms.maddigans high standards, and whaddya expect you named her MAD! I like to think she shares her uncle tiggers temper which amuses and terrifies all at the same time. Lay off the poor kid she is too cute to be bargined with.
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