This is a picture of us in our hotel on the mac!
so we made it! Yesterday we caught a lift into LONDON! Can you say dingy? Our hotel is super clean and nice, only problem is there is NO BATHTUB! Yikes! Can't complain tho, we do have our own toilet! So, we settled into our hotel, grabbed a bite to eat and then walked around our hotel area a bit. Pretty busy little area. Lots of Middle Eastern restaurants and whatnot!
today we are taking the girls to the Natural History Museum. It is all about Dinosaurs right now. What they eat, how much they poop. Maeve says she doesn't want to touch the poop because it is stinky! hahahaha She cracks me up. Madigan doesn't walk anywhere anymore... she runs.... full tilt, full steam ahead and no looking back!
I'm almost tired of listening to my own voice telling them, don't touch the lights, don't play with the safe, stop mucking in the shower! ahahhahahahah oh well, its a 'holiday' right? Ya right! I don't expect to every have one of those for another few years!
Hey first post I am!!
You guys look awesome and Madigan's hair is CURLY!! wow she is gettin so big! Good Girl Maevie, don't be hangin out with 'stinkies' (excepting members of your immediate family)
I got mail Maeve!! Thank you for the pictures, and I wonder what the painting is? I love them and they will be up on my fridge so everyone can enjoy them!
Have fun everyone!
sorry I missed you call the other morning Vashti, I was in meetings.
Love you all!!
Wow you guys look great! You and Michael are looking very thin and healthy. And the girls are getting so big. Maeve has definately exited the baby phase and into the little girl stage. I hope we can see you soon!! Hugs and Kisses xoxo
Love Auntie Weeeeeeeeeeee
what this about stinkers??? Too young to date.HA HA.can I blog the picture??
What hotel are youse at? I am coming down tomorra so I hope its in Marylebone. Zoo anyone? Or tower, its up to the english weather gods.
weird to think that four years ago it was just you two!! lucky bunch you all are (and are we)
You guys look so goreous! London holidays are GOOOOOD to you.
Have a great time. We went to the dinosaur "museum" here today - which consisted of one (yes, one) dinosaur. I suppose, for Courtenay, that's a museum, and we loved it. But, whoa, poop and all would be amazing!
Good on ya Mussellams! I am so jealous despite the fact that all "vacations" with kids involved aren't really vacations at all, they are more like "trips". Vacation sounds too leisurely and work-free.
When I try to picutre "downtown" London all I can visualize are the scenes from "28 Days Later" with the zombies wandering around an eeerily vacant city....Have a wonderful trip! I can'r wait to see photos!
What a beautiful family !!!
You ALL look absolutely gorgeous, yes even you Michael....hehehehe...
Maeve's hairs is SO long and beautiful....Madigan is looking more and more like a little girl....Michael is looking ever so svelt and handsome, I see he is attempting the sad clown look again.....and you Vashti, look absolutely radiant !!!!
I love you and miss you all tons.
Say HI to the Royals for me !!
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